User talk:Lemon1974

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Re: Peak & Off-Peak Dilemma

Hi Lemon1974,

I think forwarding your concerns to the administrators would be a better option. I am not an administrator that can decide and determine the changes.

Hope this helps. Thank you.


SEDEP Citaro Deployment Changes

Hi Lemon1974,

I’ve been seeing 6587K on 269 a lot lately. Took 1089B on 76 a few weeks ago, it was on 6587K’s slot 076-se-485. Any chance there has been a deployment swap between these two? If that’s the case though, that means 1089B should be seen on 668 too to confirm this change.

6574Y 1093M 1099Y running around a lot, 6004B always on 24

And as you mentioned before, 24 and 261 perms keep swapping about, I see 6855L 1105M 6598D on 24 often, and see 1167J 1171X 6884C 6886Y on 261 too.
