User talk:SBS9631X

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Revision as of 11:54, 8 October 2015 by SMB1368T (talk | contribs)
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Hi SBS9631X,

I am sorry to hear about the unfortunate incident regarding the new users, but this is completely normal. Even my leaders in my CCA had experienced this and it wasn't so bad actually, if you know what I mean.

New users are like that. Most of them (including myself) are over enthusiastic when they first come in. But that would normally be over a few months later when they discover that what they are doing is serious and crucial. Just like the time when SBS3107H warned me because of a mistake. One day, all of them will be in your shoes and will feel how you feel. You just have to be a bit more patient towards them and do not let your feelings and thoughts control you. I respect you a lot because you did the right thing by being skeptical and crucial when they (new users) do mistakes.

Now, the only problem is fixing the pages. I know, it has been such a tough job editing for you. So, just let me and the other users fix them. You deserve a break anyway. Do not worry, we will pay the high price soon.

About the FB, nah, I ain't interested in that anymore and I just shut down my account. But I might make a new one to get in touch with you guys if you wish. I would be more happy to catch up with you all. Otherwise, you can just write on my talk page anytime and I will reply to you ASAP.

If you have anything, just talk to me on my talk page and I hope to have a reply soon. Take care.
