User talk:Kimminju

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R151: 1807/1808 or 807/808[edit]


I had revert your edit regards the R151 trains denotation to have a prefix with 1.

I understand your viewport from the perspective of OCC where there is no prefix of 1.

Here is my take:

The current R151 will consist of 106 trains, meaning there are 212 trains set numbering.

Given the following numbering from 801 (801/802) to 998 (997/998), there consists of only 198 sets, or 99 trains only, falling short of the 7 additional trains. We do not know what going to happen next, but there may be a possibility the LTA or even SMRT would even go back for some of the trains set to use the 001/002 regions for the remaining 7 trains. This means that 001/002 can mean both the decommissioned KHI and the R151 trains.

Secondly, my take on why LTA uses 5 numbering systems for the R151 trains is because, in the event of fault reporting per train car, it is much easier to distinguish between the CCL trains (which use the 800 series) already with the R151 trains, both operate under SMRT. So in conclusion, the best course I would feel, is to remain the '1' prefix for now and have our fingers crossed when all 106 R151 trains are in operational service.