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Revision as of 01:41, 26 November 2013

The Real Singapore is a citizen journalist website. The website claims to provide an online platform for Singaporeans to express themselves without censorship. However, the website has been slammed for the theft of content from other websites without prior consent of the original authors, unverified and sensationalised reports, and untruthful and factless grounds for reporting.



In November 2013, citizen journalist site STOMP posted an article lambasting a soldier in No. 4 caught drinking water from his jerry-can on an underground train. The report was picked up by TRS, who claimed to have traced the original STOMPer to a Burmese student who resided in Singapore. The student later reported that he had been out of Singapore for a few months at the time of the STOMP report, and posted evidence showing that he was no longer residing in Singapore. TRS sent an apology to the student, but failed to remove the article.