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1 Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro<br>

'''SBS8146L SBS8147J SBS8151X SBS8252M SBS8325L SBS8437Y SBS8616Y SBS8629K SBS8677X'''<br>
'''SBS8146L SBS8147J SBS8151X SBS8252M SBS8325L SBS8437Y SBS8616Y SBS8629K SBS8677X'''<br>
9 Scania K230UB ''(6 Batch 2 Euro IV / 3 Batch 1 Euro V)''<br>
9 Scania K230UB ''(6 Batch 2 Euro IV / 3 Batch 1 Euro V)''<br>
1 Mercedes-Benz 0530 Citaro


Revision as of 00:19, 31 March 2012

Service 21 (24 - 26 Buses) [WAB]


  • Ang Mo Kio Depot (AMDEP)
  • Bedok North Depot (BNDEP)


  • Ang Mo Kio Depot (18 - 19 Buses)

SBS2722M SBS2741H SBS2810S SBS2813J
4 Volvo B10M Mark IV (4 DM3500)

SBS8183D SBS8280G SBS8289H SBS8470A SBS8688P
5 Scania K230UB (4 Batch 2 Euro IV / 1 Batch 1 Euro V)

SBS7301L SBS7302J SBS7303G SBS7304D SBS7305B SBS7307X SBS7314A SBS7317S SBS7438B SBS7485P
10 Volvo B9TL (10 CDGE)

  • Bedok North Depot (6 - 7 Buses)

1 Volvo B10M Mark IV (1 Strider)

SBS8266Z SBS8322U SBS8342L
3 Scania K230UB (3 Batch 2 Euro IV)

1 Volvo B10TL (1 Volgren)

SBS7422X SBS7442M
2 Volvo B9TL (2 CDGE)


  • SBS7317S crossovers to Premium 565 during Weekdays AM Peak
  • SBS9840J crossovers to Premium 539 during Weekdays AM Peak
  • Weekdays: Bedok 5AM-5PM / 2S; Ang Mo Kio 13AM-13PM / 1E / 5S (26 buses)
  • Saturdays: Bedok 4AM-4PM / 1E; Ang Mo Kio 12AM-14PM / 3T (22 buses)
  • Sundays: Bedok 4AM-4PM; Ang Mo Kio 10AM-11PM / 6T (21 buses)

Service 22 (15 - 17 Buses) [WAB]


  • Ang Mo Kio Depot (AMDEP)

SBS913S SBS1947M
2 Volvo B10M Mark IV (1 DM / 1 Strider)

SBS8380B SBS8383T SBS8850L SBS8856X SBS8857T
5 Scania K230UB (2 Batch 2 Euro IV / 3 Batch 1 Euro V)

SBS9186P SBS9192X
2 Leyland Olympian 3-Axle

SBS7515L SBS7517G SBS7518D SBS7563Y SBS7565S SBS7577H SBS7579C SBS7668D
8 Volvo B9TL (8 WEG2 Batch 1)


  • SBS9186P and SBS9192X crossover to Service 136 on Weekdays Early Mornings.
  • This service does jumpbus.
  • Weekdays: 11AM-11PM / 7S (17 buses)
  • Saturdays: 11AM-11PM / 1S / 1T (12 buses)
  • Sundays: 10AM-10PM / 1T (10 buses)
  • Weekday Sch Hols: 10AM-10PM / 8S (17 buses)

Service 23 (13 Buses)


  • Bedok North Depot (BNDEP)


1 Volvo B10M Mark IV (1 Strider)

SBS9260H SBS9413J SBS9414G SBS9511J SBS9512G SBS9523A SBS9556E SBS9561P SBS9574C SBS9598J SBS9653H SBS9666X
12 Volvo Olympian 3-Axle (1 Batch 1 / 9 Batch 2 / 2 Batch 3)


  • This service will operate on a Special Weekday Schedule during the Temasek Poly's School Holidays
  • This service does jump bus

Service 24 (18 - 21 Buses) [WAB]


  • Ang Mo Kio Depot (AMDEP)

SBS6077R SBS6078M SBS6081C
3 Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro

SBS8238E SBS8268T SBS8278P SBS8279L SBS8288K SBS8291A SBS8361G SBS8362D SBS8413R SBS8449M SBS8451E SBS8453A SBS8454Y SBS8457P SBS8458L SBS8690G SBS8691D SBS8692B
18 Scania K230UB (15 Batch 2 Euro IV / 3 Batch 1 Euro V)


  • SBS6081C, SBS8278P & SBS8690G crossover to Service 261 during Weekdays Peak (1 bus during AM Peak, 3 buses during PM Peak)
  • This service does jumpbus.
  • Weekdays: 14AM-14PM / 2E / 6S / 1T (22 buses)
  • Saturdays: 19AM-19PM / 1S / 1T (20 buses)
  • Sundays: 15AM-15PM / 1S / 1T (16 buses)

Service 25 (24 Buses) [WAB]


  • Ang Mo Kio Depot (AMDEP)


SBS5087T SBS8846A SBS8847Y SBS8848U
4 Scania K230UB (3 Batch 1 Euro V / 1 Batch 2 Euro V)

SBS9079R SBS9141T
2 Leyland Olympian 3-Axle

SBS9300B SBS9383L SBS9417Z SBS9423E SBS9432D SBS9446P SBS9454R SBS9535R
8 Volvo Olympian 3-Axle (2 Batch 1 / 6 Batch 2)

1 Volvo B10TL (1 Volgren)

SBS3071B SBS7444H SBS7447A SBS7476R SBS7478K SBS7479H SBS7481A SBS7483U
8 Volvo B9TL (1 WEG2 Batch 2B / 7 CDGE)

1 Scania K310UD


  • This service does jumpbus.

Service 26 (13 - 14 Buses)


  • Braddell Bus Park (BRBP)

SBS5018T SBS5090H SBS5093A SBS5105A SBS5161L SBS5212Z SBS8370E SBS8463X SBS8464T SBS8465R SBS8466M SBS8467K SBS8468H SBS8722Z
14 Scania K230UB (7 Batch 2 Euro IV / 1 Batch 1 Euro V / 6 Batch 2 Euro V)


  • SBS5212Z crossovers to Service 238 during Weekdays PM Peak
  • SBS5161L crossovers to Premium 561 during Weekdays AM Peak
  • This service does jumpbus

Service 27 (32 Buses) [WAB]


  • Hougang Depot (HGDEP)


SBS6135G SBS6137B SBS6138Z SBS6140R
4 Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro

SBS8134X SBS8135T SBS8137M SBS8149D SBS8150Z SBS8194Y SBS8243P SBS8246G SBS8258Y SBS8261L SBS8305U SBS8317K SBS8320A SBS8400C SBS8403U SBS8436A SBS8438U SBS8439S SBS8440L SBS8450H SBS8672J SBS8718L SBS8719J SBS8720D SBS8721B SBS8740X SBS8741T SBS8742R SBS8743M SBS8745H
30 Scania K230UB (20 Batch 2 Euro IV / 10 Batch 1 Euro V)


  • 2 extra buses.
  • Weekdays: 15AM-15PM / 2E / 14S / 1T (32 buses)
  • Saturdays: 14AM-16PM / 6T (22 buses)
  • Sundays: 13AM-16PM / 4T (20 buses)

Service 28 (24 Buses)


  • Braddell Bus Park (BRBP)
  • Bedok North Depot (BNDEP)


  • Braddell Bus Park (12 Buses)

SBS6007T SBS6008R SBS6009M
3 Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro

SBS9135L SBS9166Y
2 Leyland Olympian 3-Axle

SBS9622Y SBS9625P
2 Volvo Olympian 3-Axle (2 Batch 3)

SBS9802U SBS9804P SBS9829T SBS9831K SBS9834C
5 Volvo B10TL (5 Volgren)

  • Bedok North Depot (12 Buses)

SBS6000L SBS6001J SBS6094R SBS6163A
4 Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro

SBS9277K SBS9415D SBS9422H SBS9452X SBS9484D SBS9509S
6 Volvo Olympian 3-Axle (1 Batch 1 / 5 Batch 2)

1 Volvo B10TL (1 Volgren)


  • 1 missing BNDEP bus. Total fleet size: 12 BNDEP buses.
  • Weekdays: Braddell 8AM-8PM / 1E / 3S; Bedok 8AM-8PM / 1E / 3S (24 buses)
  • Saturdays: Braddell 8AM-8PM / 3T; Bedok 8AM-8PM / 1E / 2T (22 buses)
  • Sundays: Braddell 6AM-6PM / 4T; Bedok 7AM-7PM / 1T (18 buses)
  • Weekdays Sch Hols:

Service 29 (8 Buses) [WAB]


  • Bedok North Depot (BNDEP)


SBS902Z SBS2623R
2 Volvo B10M Mark IV (1 DM / 1 Strider)

SBS8519U SBS8520P SBS8521L SBS8522J SBS8581M SBS8582K
6 Scania K230UB (4 Batch 2 Euro IV / 2 Batch 1 Euro V)


  • This service does jump bus
  • Weekdays: 5AM-5PM / 4S (8 buses)
  • Saturdays: 5AM-5PM / 1S / 1T (6 buses)
  • Sundays: 5AM-6PM / 1S (6 buses)

Service 30 (28 - 29 Buses) [WAB]


  • Bedok North Depot (BNDEP)
  • Soon Lee Bus Park (SLBP)


  • Bedok North Depot (16 Buses)

SBS1902S SBS1990L
2 Volvo B10M Mark IV (2 Strider)

SBS9240R SBS9351D SBS9416B SBS9460Y SBS9497S
5 Volvo Olympian 3-Axle (2 Batch 1 / 3 Batch 2)

SBS9832H SBS9833E
2 Volvo B10TL (2 Volgren)

SBS7590T SBS7595E SBS7652Z SBS7718T SBS7721H SBS7723C SBS7725Y
7 Volvo B9TL (3 WEG2 Batch 1 / 4 WEG2 Batch 2A)

  • Soon Lee Bus Park (13 Buses)

1 Volvo B10M Mark IV (1 DM3500)

SBS5019R SBS5222U
2 Scania K230UB (2 Batch 2 Euro V)

SBS7519B SBS7520X SBS7521T SBS7523M SBS7531P SBS7533J SBS7535D SBS7536B SBS7596C SBS7612P
10 Volvo B9TL (10 WEG2 Batch 1)


  • SBS2714L crossovers to Premium 536 during Weekdays AM Peak
  • SBS9833E is a spare bus during H1 Schedule

Service 31 (27 - 28 Buses)


  • Bedok North Depot (BNDEP)
  • Braddell Bus Park (BRBP)


  • Bedok North Depot (17 - 18 Buses)

SBS1919U SBS1985C SBS1989S SBS2758K
4 Volvo B10M Mark IV (3 Strider / 1 DM3500)

SBS9272Z SBS9307H SBS9336Z SBS9342E SBS9401T SBS9402R SBS9524Y SBS9568X SBS9608P SBS9634M SBS9649X
11 Volvo Olympian 3-Axle (4 Batch 1 / 4 Batch 2 / 3 Batch 3)

SBS9811T SBS9816E SBS9818A
3 Volvo B10TL (3 Volgren)

  • Braddell Bus Park (10 Buses)

SBS8836D SBS8837B SBS8838Z SBS8839X SBS8840R
5 Scania K230UB (5 Batch 1 Euro V)

SBS9120D SBS9124T
2 Leyland Olympian 3-Axle

SBS9810X SBS9835A SBS9846T
3 Volvo B10TL (3 Volgren)


  • Service 31 will operate on a Special Weekday Schedule during ITE College East's School Holidays
  • SBS2758K crossovers to Premium 535 during Weekdays AM Peak.

Service 32 (16 Buses)


  • Bedok North Depot (BNDEP)
  • Ayer Rajah Bus Park (ARBP)


  • Bedok North Depot (9 Buses)

1 Volvo B10M Mark III

SBS992M SBS1934A SBS1959D SBS2620Z SBS2628C SBS2831G
6 Volvo B10M Mark IV (1 DM / 4 Strider / 1 DM3500)

1 Scania K230UB (1 Batch 2 Euro V)

  • Ayer Rajah Bus Park (7 Buses)

1 Volvo B10M Mark III

SBS1958G SBS2613U SBS2684P
3 Volvo B10M Mark IV (3 Strider)

SBS6028H SBS6039B
2 Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro


  • 1 missing ARBP bus & 1 missing BNDEP bus. Initial fleet size: 7 ARBP buses, 9 BNDEP buses.
  • Weekdays: Bedok 7AM-7PM / 2S; Ayer Rajah 5AM-5PM / 2S (16 buses)
  • Saturdays: Bedok 7AM-7PM; Ayer Rajah 6AM-6PM / 1S (14 buses)
  • Sundays: Bedok 7AM-7PM; Ayer Rajah 5AM-5PM / 1S (13 buses)
  • Weekdays Sch Hols: Bedok 7AM-7PM / 2S; Ayer Rajah 5AM-5PM / 1S (15 buses)

Service 33 (20 - 24 Buses)


  • Bedok North Depot (BNDEP)
  • Bukit Batok Depot (BBDEP)


  • Bedok North Depot (13 - 16 Buses)

SBS1918Y SBS1950C SBS1974J SBS2600G SBS2624M SBS2629A
6 Volvo B10M Mark IV (6 Strider)

SBS6150L SBS6151J SBS6152G SBS6153D
4 Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro

SBS8336E SBS8525B SBS8842K SBS8858R SBS8860H SBS8862C
6 Scania K230UB (2 Batch 2 Euro IV / 4 Batch 1 Euro V)

  • Bukit Batok Depot (7 - 8 Buses)

SBS1935Y SBS2596K SBS2686J SBS2707H SBS2712S
5 Volvo B10M Mark IV (3 Strider / 2 DM3500)

1 Scania K230UB (1 Batch 1 Euro V)


  • 2 missing BBDEP buses.
  • SBS1918Y crossovers to Premium 560 during Weekdays AM Peak.
  • SBS1950C & SBS2600G crossover to Service 45 during Weekdays AM Peak.
  • A bus will crossover to Service 191 between 1200 & 1530 daily.
  • Spare DM3500s from BBDEP will cameo on this service to cover the Mark IV slots.
  • Weekdays: Bedok 9AM-9PM / 1E / 6S; Bt Batok 7AM-7PM / 1E (24 buses)
  • Saturdays: Bedok 11AM-11PM / 2E / 1T; Bt Batok 6AM-7PM (21 buses)
  • Sundays: Bedok 8AM-9PM; Bt Batok 7AM-7PM (16 buses)
  • Special Sundays: Bedok 8AM-9PM / 3T; Bt Batok 7AM-7PM (19 buses)

Service 34 (11 Buses) [WAB]


  • Hougang Depot (HGDEP)


1 Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro

SBS8146L SBS8147J SBS8151X SBS8252M SBS8325L SBS8437Y SBS8616Y SBS8629K SBS8677X
9 Scania K230UB (6 Batch 2 Euro IV / 3 Batch 1 Euro V)


  • 1 missing bus.
  • Weekdays: 7AM-7PM / 2S (11 buses)
  • Saturdays: 7AM-8PM / 2T (10 buses)
  • Sundays: 7AM-8PM / 1T (9 buses)

Service 35 (5 - 7 Buses)


  • Bedok North Depot (BNDEP)

SBS904T SBS910A SBS971Z SBS2706K
4 Volvo B10M Mark IV (3 DM / 1 DM3500)

1 Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro


  • SBS6059T & SBS6126H crossover to this Service from Service 9 during Weekdays Peak.
  • Weekdays: 2AM-2PM / 1E / 2S (5 buses)
  • Saturdays: 2AM-2PM / 2T (4 buses)
  • Sundays: 2AM-2PM / 2T (4 buses)

Service 36 (16 Buses) [WAB]


  • Bedok North Depot (BNDEP)

SBS5175Y SBS8562T SBS8563R SBS8565K SBS8566H SBS8567E SBS8568C SBS8569A SBS8586A SBS8589S SBS8630E SBS8641Z SBS8642X SBS8645M SBS8669U
15 Scania K230UB (14 Batch 1 Euro V / 1 Batch 2 Euro V)


  • 1 missing bus due to 1 fleet add WEF Feb 2012. Original fleet size: 16 buses.
  • This service does jumpbus.
  • Mon-Thur: 12AM-14PM / 4S / 2T (15 buses)
  • Fridays: 13AM-15PM / 3S / 3T (15 buses)
  • Saturdays: 10AM-12PM / 2S / 2T (11 buses)
  • Sundays: 10AM-12PM / 2S / 2T (11 buses)

Service 37 (6 Buses)


  • Bedok North Depot (BNDEP)


SBS2645C SBS2833B
2 Volvo B10M Mark IV (1 Strider / 1 DM3500)

SBS9211A SBS9266S SBS9348P SBS9567Z
4 Volvo Olympian 3-Axle (3 Batch 1 / 1 Batch 2)


  • Most Double Deck buses act as Spare on Weekends & PHs & Single Deck buses will replace them.
  • This service does jumpbus.
  • Weekdays: 1AM / 5S / 1T (6 buses)
  • Weekends: 1AM / 2S / 1T (3 buses)

Service 38 (12 - 13 Buses) [WAB]


  • Bedok North Depot (BNDEP)

SBS1955P SBS1979X SBS2621X SBS2730P SBS2792K
5 Volvo B10M Mark IV (3 Strider / 2 DM3500)

SBS5021H SBS5088R SBS8231Z SBS8395J SBS8432K SBS8480X SBS8527X SBS8727K
8 Scania K230UB (5 Batch 2 Euro IV / 1 Batch 1 Euro V / 2 Batch 2 Euro V)


  • SBS2792K crossovers to Premium 566 during Weekdays AM Peak.
  • Weekdays: 9AM-9PM / 4S (13 buses)
  • Saturdays: 8AM-10PM / 1T (11 buses)
  • Sundays: 10AM-10PM (10 buses)

Service 39 (13 - 15 Buses) [WAB]


  • Bedok North Depot (BNDEP)

SBS886L SBS912U SBS2605T SBS2616L SBS2619D
5 Volvo B10M Mark IV (2 DM / 3 Strider)

SBS8227L SBS8265B SBS8269R SBS8270K SBS8273C SBS8308L SBS8518Y SBS8540G SBS8541D
9 Scania K230UB (9 Batch 2 Euro IV)


  • 1 missing bus. Initial fleet size: 15 buses.
  • SBS2616L & SBS2619D crossover to Premium 559 during Weekdays AM Peak.
  • This service does jumpbus.
  • Weekdays: 10AM-10PM / 4S / 1E (15 buses)
  • Saturdays: 10AM-11PM / 2T (12 buses)
  • Sundays: 10AM-10PM / 2T (11 buses)

Service 40 (6 Buses)


  • Bedok North Depot (BNDEP)


2 Volvo B10M Mark III

1 Volvo B10M Mark IV (1 DM)

SBS8415K SBS8417E
2 Scania K230UB (2 Batch 2 Euro IV)


  • 1 missing bus. Initial fleet size: 6 buses.
  • This service does jumpbus.
  • Weekdays: 5AM-5PM / 2S (6 buses)
  • Saturdays: 5AM-5PM / 2T (6 buses)
  • Sundays: 6AM-6PM (5 buses)