Lina Ng

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Lina Ng is a Singaporean former actress.


Ng entered the entertainment industry after finishing 1st runner-up in the local talent-search competition Star Search 1993. Other contestants included Ann Kok and Ivy Lee. Kok later revealed in 2009 that Ng was "openly competitive" during the competition. She later joined SPH MediaWorks and then left the industry for family reasons. Since leaving, she has made a number of cameos, most recently in the 2012 anniversary drama Joys of Life. Ng has also taken up the occasional hosting gig for roadshows.

Personal life

Ng married Mike Lam, a PE teacher, on 9 September 2004 and they have three sons. She was a kindergarten teacher and used to run a childcare centre with former actress Evelyn Tan. Ng was also a spokesperson for Lumiére International.