User talk:23ispolo
UPD decals
UPD stickers are gradually coming back. You mind listing what you see here then
Reply (23ispolo):
This table presents buses with UPD stickers based on cross-checking the regos with my memory, other than some unconfirmed buses from 145 (i.e. SBS5030G, SBS6222M & SBS8297J). There may still be buses that are not 145 perm anymore, but still have the white UPD sticker. Moreover, some UPDEP buses do not have either blue or white UPD stickers (e.g. SBS8770J & SG5544C), or have a plain blue sticker (which I did not include here). Otherwise, this should be accurate unless I missed out regos by accident.
Buses with "UPD" windscreen sticker
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SMRT bus duties, 176
How can I add in a box for individual SMRT bus duties of dual-depot services, like 176? --23ispolo (talk) 22:23, 31 May 2014 (SGT)
I have added two tables under Service 176 section. Do add in the duty codes too. Thank you.
SMB1341U (talk) 14:20 31/05/2014 (SGT)
Thank you. However, I need to confirm some of the slots of the buses, like SMB1400H - SMB1402C and TIB544E. So, I will leave their duties under 'TBC', before I confirm their actual slots. But great thanks for your help! :)--23ispolo (talk) 22:32, 1 June 2014 (SGT)
Hi 23ispolo, do note that when you add in new box under a service, do check to see if the box fits well like utilising the space if needed to put into two rows rather than putting it all into one single box. As some buses have many slots, the shifts gets rather confusing with the bus under the slot. Leaving a huge colspan dash - for the saturdays and sundays is rather not necessary.
And also check to see if the box is okay if you do happen to use a mobile to access the particular service you have created a box for. As for some of the edits Ive done, Ive ensured that the box does not overflow out of the sgwiki page for that service as I was told from wikipedia. Cheers and good day!
Hi 23ispolo,
It would be great if we had a way to mark standby buses in the roster, as currently now SBST and SMRT adopted this strategy of keeping a spare fleet, by using extra buses from other services. Whether my edits are true or not, my edits are according to the buses being marked in the schedule, as well as the fleet assigned to them.
Of course day to day deployments will vary everyday, I highly suspect that some SBST depots might be moving into the TTS deployment strategy, where the roster is not followed at all and any buses can be deployed. (AMDEP I’m looking at you)
Overall, just trying to help the community with the insider information I have. Of course some fanboys of a particular service (cough cough Service 190) can’t take the changes and just undid my edits. :(
Thanks for reading.
BRBP Bus schedules
Hi 23ispolo
Where do you find duty table for Service 31? What about other services?
RE: HGDEP buses parking in Sengkang West Depot
Hi there, SBS3720L here.
Understood there are buses like SBS3053D, SG5325T with RED stickers but from Services that are non sengkang-hougang.
As far as I heard, re-deployment of buses are expected.
Based on what I see thus far, seems to support the re-deployment theory, as:
- 6079K (64 bus) - On 159
- 6090B, 6147Y, 6237X (109/315 buses) - Spotted 2 consequetive days on 27
- 8119R (315 bus) - On 151
Will have to see in the coming Weekdays if that holds true, as the stickers were first spotted Saturday morning on various hougang int services (21 Dec)
Update: - Seems like clementi package buses are also being moved to Sengkang west, as seen with 6190X (156) and 3057T (147) currently. Although they are currently a mixture of red and non red tags. - 27 & possibly 329 moved to full sengkang west w.e.f tdy, as all deployed buses carries red tag. Only can confirm 30 of the 35 buses currently. Can only be denoted when extremely sure there are non red tag buses deployed on them. - Services like 102, 107, 112, 153, 161, 165, 325 are still doing dual deployment.
190 deployment
Hi hi,
Those E500 you mention are still on 190 on a regular basis. In fact, 190 and 176 DDs are interchangeable and 184 nowadays run flexi so it is common in place for random E500 cameo 184.
5026D was assign to a perm slot and part of 190 roster saw for 4 continuous day this week; 5032K rotate 190 and 176.
As for the SDs, yup indeed 1638P unperm 190 since 18 December 2024. 84T should be still 190 perm as very commonplace for 176 and 190 OCs to run 985. As for the GB sticker you mention, not sure but recently buses that cameo 190 have a lot, in particular SMB234C have been on same slot so could be a swap over.
I would like to seek your opinion on the following proposed changes:
1. Launch of sgWiki Bus Spotting Page A new page will be created daily and automatically deleted a month later. For example, "Bus Spotting/1 February 2025" would be removed on 1 March 2025. This page is intended to allow editors to document bus registration numbers without the typical edit limitations, enabling infinite edits.
The primary objective is to encourage collaboration among editors and to improve the accuracy of bus deployment data in relation to their permanent services. Many users have noted that the deployment page contains inaccurate and outdated information. By using these pages, we aim to track bus operations more effectively and allocate the correct permanent services, without requiring editors to board the buses to verify duty schedules.
2. Use of Subpages for Bus Model Deployment I have received considerable feedback, mostly criticism, regarding the separation and consolidation of bus advertisements across models. Most complaints focus on advertisement changes rather than deployment accuracy, which contributes to the aforementioned inaccuracies. As such, I propose reorganising the Bus Model deployment using subpages as follows:
Example: Volvo B9TL (WEG Batch 2) will be divided into four subpages:
- Volvo B9TL (Wright Eclipse Gemini 2) (Batch 2)/Page 1 – (Low Entry, SBS7700T – SBS7729L)
- Volvo B9TL (Wright Eclipse Gemini 2) (Batch 2)/Page 2 – (Low Floor, SBS3000G – SBS3099Y)
- Volvo B9TL (Wright Eclipse Gemini 2) (Batch 2)/Page 3 – (Low Floor, SBS3100B – SBS3199S)
- Volvo B9TL (Wright Eclipse Gemini 2) (Batch 2)/Page 4 – (Low Floor, SBS3200X – SBS3238M & SBS3269Z)
A navigation bar will be added at the top and bottom of each page, linking the respective subpages. Each page will feature a single table listing up to 100 buses, organised in the following format:
Registration No/Livery | Operator/Current Deployment | Advertisement | Former Deployment
This approach seeks to balance different perspectives, and to be more mobile friendly, as I am uncertain why some users are strongly opposed to these changes.
Alternative Table Layouts:
- Registration No/Livery | Operator/Current Deployment | Former Deployment (Maintain status quo)
- Batch | Registration No/Livery | Operator/Current Deployment | Former Deployment (Merging of Batches, numerical order, maintain status quo)
- Batch | Registration No/Livery | Operator/Current Deployment | Advertisement | Former Deployment (Merging of Batches, numerical order)
Please let me know your thoughts on these proposals. Thank you for your time and feedback.
Regards, Supernutorcrazy
HGDEP and BRBP buses deployments
Hi 23ispolo,
I would like to follow up regarding SG6176A deployment on Service 88 currently. The way HGDEP (AMDEP) and BRBP does the deployment and to determine whether the bus (e.g. 6176A on Service 88) is permanent to Service 88 is dependent on the bus duty it is allocated too. Usually, split duty (S-shift) buses are the ones that cannot determine whether that particular unit is permanent to that service, however, morning and night duties are likely to determine the current deployment since the buses allocated to those BCs are fixed and the duty slot would be specifically for that unit. In the case of 6176A being deployed on Svc 88, that particular day was rostered on a night shift duty schedule under BRBP's scheduling for Svc 88. I have been observing how BRBP and HGDEP interchange their deployment for a long time and I think this is the way they do it. However, this is just my speculation and 6176A might go back to HGDEP for 59 again, but I'm messaging this to inform you why I stated that 6176A is going to Braddell as I felt that I did not give a specific reason for shifting 6176A from 59 to 88, that's about it.
Another thing I would like to discuss on is regarding the current depot allocation for HGDEP and BRBP bus services on the website. I think it's best to separate HGDEP and BRBP buses into their own Depots again (e.g. SG0000 | BRBP 00). Before AMDEP closed down, all BRBP buses also had AM on their DDUs, which is the same configuration as the current one where BRBP services have HG on their DDUs as well. While BRBP acts as a bus park for HGDEP, it still operates independently and controls the existing Braddell services while HGDEP controls the previous Ang Mo Kio services along with some services from Hougang such as Service 101. If I'm not wrong, the reason why some services like 72 and 168 transferred to other depots was because HGDEP wants to bring some BRBP services into HGDEP and operate from there, while I won't disclose which services are likely to get pulled into HGDEP from BRBP side, I think it's best to still separate HGDEP and BRBP as a whole, otherwise, it would seem as if HGDEP is overloaded with services and buses. Anyways, I would like to hear from you regarding my suggestion, thanks for reading!
Regards, BOG