Volvo B10M Mark IV (Walter Alexander Strider)

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Current Deployments

SBS1896B - SBS1999M

SBS1896B (BNDEP 518)
SBS1897Z (ARBP 63) - Nikon CoolPix S10
SBS1898X (BBDEP 506) - B: Poh Kim VCD
SBS1899T (HGDEP 107)
SBS1900Y² (HGDEP 100) - Nikon Lenses
SBS1902S² (BNDEP 15) - Korea Sparkling
SBS1903P² (HGDEP 165) - Pacific Internet: Get Voc@l
SBS1904L (HGDEP 100) - Burger King
SBS1905J² (HGDEP 158)
SBS1906G (HGDEP 159) - B: Science Month 2007
SBS1907D (HGDEP 82) - Prudential Insurance
SBS1908B² (HGDEP 101) - S: Moove Media
SBS1909Z (HGDEP 107)
SBS1910T² (HGDEP 100) - Chang Beer
SBS1911R (ARBP 175) - Energizer Batteries
SBS1912M (ARBP 175)
SBS1913K (BBDEP 166) - Guinness 9-Ball Tour
SBS1914H² (BBDEP 506) - Air Bagan
SBS1915E (BBDEP 156) - FS: Walls-Moo Sandwich Ice Cream
SBS1916C (ARBP 5)
SBS1917A² (BNDEP 58) - Snickers
SBS1918Y (ARBP 48) - B: Wiz Qube
SBS1919U² (BBDEP 506) - Dove Straight and Silky
SBS1920P (BBDEP 506) - F3: Abott: Grow
SBS1921L (De-registered & Scrapped; Former BBDEP 506)
SBS1922J (ARBP 63) - B: Jotun Paints
SBS1923G² (ARBP 5)
SBS1924D (ARBP 32) - Stella Artois
SBS1925B (ARBP 63) - B: Joo Hin Pawn
SBS1926Z (ARBP 63)
SBS1927X² (ARBP 175) - Esso-Mobil
SBS1928T (ARBP 5) - Nets
SBS1929R (BNDEP 196/196e*)
SBS1930K (BBDEP 156) - Clarityne & Clarinase: Allergy Relief
SBS1931H (HGDEP 159) - Ratatouille (Movie)
SBS1932E² (BBDEP 506) - B: Bangunkan Irsyad!
SBS1933C (BBDEP 33) - Great Eastern
SBS1934A (BBDEP 33) - The Watch House
SBS1935Y (BBDEP 33) - Nikon Lenses
SBS1936U (BBDEP 506/EB43) - Lemsip
SBS1937S (ARBP 123) - Esso-Mobil
SBS1938P (BBDEP 156) - Esso-Mobil
SBS1939L (ARBP 5) - Subway
SBS1940G² (BBDEP 506) - B: Science.07
SBS1941D (ARBP 5) - Abott: Grow
SBS1942B (ARBP 123) - Nets
SBS1943Z² (BBDEP 74/74e*)
SBS1944X² (BBDEP 506) - Loreal Paris UV Perfect
SBS1945T (ARBP 93) - Nikon Coolpix L1, L2 & L3
SBS1946R (ARBP 123)
SBS1947M² (BBDEP 282)
SBS1948K (ARBP 123) - UOB One Card
SBS1949H (BBDEP 282) - B: Indofood
SBS1950C (BBDEP CT28/74*) - B: Vesak Festival 2551 Chinatown
SBS1951A (BBDEP 506) - Poh Kim Jewellery (Disney Collection)
SBS1952Y (BBDEP 156)
SBS1953U (ARBP 48) - Panadol Cold Relief
SBS1954S² (BBDEP 156)
SBS1955P (ARBP 175) - Ecco Footwear
SBS1956L² (BBDEP 151) - Nikon Coolpix S10
SBS1958G (ARBP 32) - Za Eye Mask
SBS1959D² (BBDEP 74/74e*)
SBS1960Z² (BBDEP 99) - B: Mid-Autumn Festival at Chinese Garden
SBS1961X² (BBDEP 151) - B: QBB: Clarified Butter
SBS1962T (ARBP 93) - Canon
SBS1963R² (BBDEP 33) - MYOB
SBS1964M (BNDEP SP)^^^ - Singtel Broadband Mobile (Blue)
SBS1965K² (BBDEP 74/74e)
SBS1966H² (BBDEP 506) - Chang Beer
SBS1967E (ARBP 93) - Singtel Mobile Student Plan
SBS1968C (BBDEP 151) - Ettusais
SBS1969A² (BBDEP 282) - S: NEA Dengue Fever
SBS1970U² (BBDEP 147) - M1 Student Plan
SBS1971S (BNDEP 31/535) - S: NEA Dengue Fever
SBS1972P (BNDEP 21) - FS: Listerine Mouth-Wash
SBS1974J (ARBP 32) - Nikon CoolPix S-Series
SBS1975G² (HGDEP 156) - B: Cambridge Tutors
SBS1976D (HGDEP 163) - B: Bintan Resorts
SBS1977B² (HGDEP 159) - Poh Kim Jewellery - Disney Collection
SBS1978Z² (HGDEP 43) - NETS
SBS1979X (BNDEP 15) - B: QBB: Clarified Butter
SBS1980R (HGDEP 165) - The Furniture Mall
SBS1981M (HGDEP 156) - 7-Eleven
SBS1982K (ARBP 48) - Canon Digital Ixus
SBS1983H (HGDEP 159)
SBS1984E² (BNDEP 66) - Kumon Education Centre
SBS1985C² (BNDEP 28) - FS: Kraft Singles
SBS1986A (BNDEP 36)
SBS1987Y² (HGDEP 27)
SBS1988U (BNDEP 8) - S: NEA Dengue Fever B: Bintan Lagoon Resort
SBS1989S (BNDEP 66/32*) - Phoenix 1516 IDD (New Version)
SBS1990L (BBDEP 166) - F3: Toshiba Qosmios Laptop
SBS1991J² (BNDEP 66) - Creative Zen V Plus
SBS1992G² (HGDEP 159) - Dove Straight and Silky
SBS1993D (BNDEP 66) - Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2007
SBS1994B (HGDEP 85)
SBS1995Z (HGDEP 147) - Esso-Mobil
SBS1996X (HGDEP 158)
SBS1997T (ARBP 93) - B: Bachelor of Nursing
SBS1998R² (BBDEP 151) - Mustafa Shopping Centre
SBS1999M² (ARBP 48) - Lemsip

SBS2593T - SBS2688D

SBS2593T² (ARBP 275) - S: NEA (Dengue Fever Prevention)
SBS2594R² (ARBP 93) - Columbia Sports Company
SBS2595M² (ARBP 5) - Ayam Brand Sardines Light
SBS2596K (ARBP 123) - Pentax, Imaging Evolved
SBS2597H (BNDEP 196/196e)
SBS2598E (BBDEP 156)
SBS2599C (ARBP 32/11*)
SBS2600G² (BNDEP 33) - SingTel Student Plan
SBS2601D² (BNDEP 222/30e)
SBS2602B² (HGDEP 27)
SBS2603Z² (BNDEP 15) - ICI Dulux: Light & Space
SBS2604X (HGDEP 100) - Olympus µ-770 SW
SBS2605T (ARBP 93/408) - B: Casio Sheen
SBS2606R (BBDEP 7) - Carl's Junior (Keep Your Eyes On The Road)
SBS2607M² (BBDEP 506) - Metro: Barbie
SBS2608K² (BBDEP 7) - FS: Kraft Singles
SBS2609H² (BBDEP 166)
SBS2610C² (ARBP 63) - Korea Sparkling!
SBS2611A² (BBDEP 99) - S: NEA (Prevent Dengue Fever)
SBS2612Y (ARBP 123) - Ratatouille (Movie)
SBS2613U² (ARBP 48) - Nikon CoolPix S10
SBS2614S (BNDEP 15) - B: SingHa
SBS2615P² (BNDEP 17) - Esso-Mobil
SBS2616L (BNDEP 15)
SBS2617J² (BNDEP 8) - ICI Dulux: Light & Space
SBS2618G (BNDEP 5)
SBS2619D (BNDEP 81) - S: NEA Dengue
SBS2620Z (BNDEP 518) - Cheers
SBS2621X² (BNDEP 81) - FS: Guinness 9-Ball Tour
SBS2622T (BNDEP 518) - Air Bagan
SBS2623R (BNDEP 15) - B: Science.07
SBS2624M² (BNDEP 15)-B: Be A Winner
SBS2625K (AMDEP 55) - Seiko Criteria
SBS2626H (ARBP 175)
SBS2627E² (BNDEP 196/196e*)
SBS2628C (BNDEP 81) - FS: Listerine Mouth-Wash
SBS2629A (AMDEP 21) - S: NEA Dengue Fever; B: Ambipure
SBS2630U (HGDEP 163)
SBS2631S (HGDEP 156) - B: Panadol Cold Relief
SBS2632P (HGDEP 156) - B:
SBS2633L (BNDEP 8) - B: Avalon Health Products
SBS2634J (BRBP 131) - Fab Perfect
SBS2635G (HGDEP 165) - Great Eastern
SBS2636D² (HGDEP 83)
SBS2637B² (HGDEP 165) - 7-Eleven
SBS2638Z (HGDEP 161) - Esso
SBS2639X (HGDEP 101) - Aljunied GRC
SBS2640R (ARBP 123) - Stella Artois
SBS2641M (HGDEP 156) - TGC
SBS2642K (HGDEP 80) - Carl's Junior (Don't Wear White)
SBS2643H² (HGDEP 105) - WDA
SBS2644E² (HGDEP 43) - F3: Passion Card
SBS2645C (ARBP 5) - Seiko Criteria
SBS2646A² (ARBP 48) - Great Eastern
SBS2647Y (HGDEP SP) - FS: Kraft - Singles
SBS2649S² (BBDEP 151) - Snickers Chocolate Bar
SBS2650L² (BBDEP CT28/74) - B: Mr Bean's Holiday
SBS2651J² (ARBP 175) - Ayam Brand Sardines Light
SBS2652G (BBDEP 198)
SBS2653D (BBDEP 198) - FS: KFC Delivery
SBS2654B² (BBDEP CT28/74)
SBS2655Z (HGDEP 27/27A) - Chang Beer
SBS2656X (HGDEP 109) - S: NEA Dengue Fever
SBS2657T (HGDEP 62) - Underwater World @ Sentosa
SBS2658R (HGDEP 83)
SBS2659M (HGDEP 107) - CIBA Vision: Focus Dailies
SBS2660H (HGDEP 64) - Mustafa Shopping Center (Blue)
SBS2661E² (HGDEP 163) - B: Avalon
SBS2662C (HGDEP 156) - B: E-venture
SBS2663A² (HGDEP 163)
SBS2664Y² (HGDEP 159) - UOB One Card
SBS2665U² (HGDEP 101)
SBS2666S² (HGDEP 372) - B: Windows Vista
SBS2667P (HGDEP 34) - CIBA Vision: Focus Dailies
SBS2668L² (HGDEP 83)
SBS2669J (HGDEP 100) - Tamagotchi (Version 4)
SBS2670D² (HGDEP 82)
SBS2671B² (ARBP 16) - World of Sports: Mizuno
SBS2672Z² (HGDEP 27) - Biomedics 1-Day Contact Lenses
SBS2673X (ARBP 93) - NETS
SBS2674T² (ARBP 48) - B: Mobil LP-Gas
SBS2675R² (HGDEP 27) - ICI Dulux Paints
SBS2676M² (BBDEP 33)
SBS2677K² (HGDEP 27) - Dove Straight and Silky
SBS2678H² (HGDEP 27) - B: Casio Sheen
SBS2679E² (HGDEP 151/151e*) (former HGDEP 87)
SBS2680A² (HGDEP 107) - Sunkist Oranges
SBS2681Y² (HGDEP 159)
SBS2682U (BNDEP 15)
SBS2683S (HGDEP 27)
SBS2684P (HGDEP 101/EB51)
SBS2685L² (HGDEP 100) -
SBS2686J (HGDEP 64) - Metro: Elizabeth Arden
SBS2687G² (HGDEP 83)
SBS2688D² (HGDEP 119/EB3)

Legend & Notes


  • AMDEP - Ang Mo Kio Depot
  • ARBP - Ayer Rajah Bus Park
  • BBDEP - Bukit Batok Depot
  • BNDEP - Bedok North Depot
  • EB - Employee Bus
  • HGDEP - Hougang Depot
  • SLBP - Soon Lee Bus Park
  • SP - Spare Bus


  • * Crossover
  • ² Refurbished Seats
  • Service 15 buses may operate on Service 36 during Weekends
  • SBS1971S is still on Service 31
  • Due to complexity of some ads, advertisement codes are present

(empty): Whole bus ad
B: Back - ad covering entire back of bus
S: Skyliner (2D ads) at the side of bus
FS: Whole bus ad with Skyliner at the side of bus
F3: Bus with full ad, and a 3D back.

  • ARBP & BBDEP buses are interchangable
  • AMDEP & BRBP buses are interchangeable