Colin Cheong

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Colin Cheong Wye Mun (b. 1965) is a Singaporean author.


The older of two children born to two teachers, Cheong attended Victoria School, Anderson Secondary School, Hwa Chong Junior College, Ngee Ann Polytechnic and National University of Singapore.

He has written or edited nearly 30 books, four of which have won national awards. He won the Singapore Literature Prize in 1996 for his novel, Tangerine, which was written like a travel diary.

At the age of 15, he interned at the now defunct newspaper New Nation and contributed to an army magazine, Pioneer, during his National Service days. From Secondary 3 till the year before he graduated from university, he was a photographer and stage actor. Furthermore, he has shown keen interests in Science. These experiences had significant influence on his future writing.

He had previously taught at Victoria Junior College, Hwa Chong Junior College and is now teaching literature at the School of the Arts. He compiles books for corporate clients on his days off.