Revision history of "Bus Service 14"

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  • curprev 18:01, 3 December 2024Sgbusntrain talk contribs 27,990 bytes +27,990 Created page with "{{Travel Advisory|S14=showonly|BedokBCM=showonly}} {{Infobox |title=Service 14 |img=centre|300px |info= {{Infohead|Route Information}} {{Infoline|Route|Bedok Bus Interchange ↔ Clementi Bus Interchange}} {{Infoline|Route Length|34.3 km <small>(Towards Clementi)</small><br>33.6 km <small>(Towards Bedok)</small>}} {{Infoline|Travelling Time|140 mins <small>(2 hrs 20 mins)</small>}} {{Infoline|Operator|{{SBST}}<br>([[Bedok Bus Package]..."