Vehicle Checksum Formula
This is the page for future bus registration numbers.
The suffix of the bus registration numbers is based on the following formula.
For SBS Transit Buses [SBS Registration Numbers]
2 - (5 X 1st Number) - (4 X 2nd Number) - (3 X 3rd Number) - (2 X 4th Number)
For SMRT Buses [TIB Registration Numbers]
7 - (5 X 1st Number) - (4 X 2nd Number) - (3 X 3rd Number) - (2 X 4th Number)
For SMRT Buses [SMB Registration Numbers]
9 - (5 X 1st Number) - (4 X 2nd Number) - (3 X 3rd Number) - (2 X 4th Number)
For SMRT Buses [CSS Registration Numbers]
12 - (5 X 1st Number) - (4 X 2nd Number) - (3 X 3rd Number) - (2 X 4th Number)
Using the result, mod the number with 19, you will get a number from 0 to 18. Refer to the list below for the suffix.
1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C, 4 = D, 5 = E, 6 = G, 7 = H, 8 = J, 9 = K, 10 = L, 11 = M, 12 = P, 13 = R, 14 = S, 15 = T, 16 = U, 17 = X, 18 = Y, 0 = Z
You can mod the number by 19 using Google. For example, if the result is -156, type ' -156 mod 19 ' into the Google search bar and it would calculate the answer.
SBS Transit Buses
Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro (Batch 2)
SBS6255T - SBS6753Y (Excluding BSEP)
Volvo B9TL (Wright Eclipse Gemini 2) (Batch 3)
SBS3251Z - SBS3842T (Excluding BSEP)
SMRT Buses
SMB355L - SMB388S