List of characters in The Noose
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This is a list of recurring characters in television series The Noose.
Cast and characters[edit]
- Chua En Lai (seasons 1-7)
- Michelle Chong (seasons 1-5, 7)
- Alaric Tay (seasons 1-7)
- Suhaimi Yusof (seasons 1-7)
- Judee Tan (seasons 1-7)
- Siti Khalijah (seasons 7)
- Gurmit Singh (seasons 1-2)
Characters played by Alaric Tay[edit]
Andre Chichak[edit]
- Name: Andre Chichak
- Age: 17 (he's so good at his job that you can't tell he's an intern)
- Nationality: East Timorese
- Race: TBC
- Language: English, Indonesian, Malay
- Education: Farquhar Polytechnic majoring in "Stage Choreography for Integrated Resort Cabarets"
- Career: Never had one
- Awards: Best Story Telling Award (consecutively from Pr 1 to Pr 8 Mono) in Pulau Ubin Primary School
- Role: Field Reporter
- Email: acdc@thenoose.con (acdc@noose.con.job in earlier episodes)
- Seasons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Description: Chichak speaks with a nasal voice. His surname refers to the Malay name ("cicak", pronounced chee-chak) for a common house gecko.
Kevin Kang Ah Roo[edit]
- Name: Kevin Kang Ah Roo
- Role: Australian Correspondent
- Seasons: 6
- Description: Kevin's name is a homonym for kangaroo. Kevin is seen promoting the various tourist attractions in Gold Coast, as a form of product placement for sponsor Scoot Airlines.
Mo Pi Koh[edit]
- Name: Mo Pi Koh
- Career: Pest Management
- Role: Interviewee
- Seasons: 4, 6
- Description: Mo Pi Koh's name is a homonym of a popular traditional remedy for mosquito bites. He returned in season 6 as an interviewee touring around the Gold Coast, Australia.
Nicholas Le Fong[edit]
- Name: Nicholas Le Fong
- Role: Taxi driver, interviewee
- Seasons: 3, 4, 5, 6
- Description: Nicholas was from Hong Kong. His catchphrase is "Stupiak", an amalgamation of "stupid" and "piak" (a slapping sound). In his first appearance, Nicholas was billed as Alvin Ong.
Richard Wang[edit]
- Role: Cameraman ("Cheap Foreign Talent")
- Seasons: 5, 6
- Notes: His protest on working conditions is a satirical take on the Chinese construction worker crane protest in early 2013.
Xin Hua Hua[edit]
- Role: News Co-anchor
- Age: 31
- Graduated from Beijing Technology University in 2003 with a Masters in Electronic Engineering
- Career: Worked for Ping Guo Technologies (a parody of Apple, Inc) from 2004-2008. Joined CCTV in China in 2008 as a technology correspondent. Poached from CCTV by The Noose.
- Hobbies: Hacking, copying, fiddling with electronic gadgets, taking part in nationalist movements
- Seasons: 6
- Notes: Born in Chongqing, 1982, moved to Beijing in 1990. Replaces Adrianna Wow as co-anchor. Poached from China Central Television. He is narcissistic. His name is a reference to the Chinese news network Xinhua.
Characters played by Chua En Lai[edit]
B. B. See[edit]
- Name: See Beh Biang
- Role: News Anchor
- Seasons: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Note: B. B. See's name refers to BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) and speaks with a received pronunciation accent (better known as BBC English). His real name See Beh Biang is taken from local Hokkien slang; see beh means "very" and biang connotes dismay at something. B.B. replaced Roy Terse.
Esmond Wan Mo Peh[edit]
- Name: Esmond Wan Mo Peh
- Role: Minister at Large, Ministry Without A Portfolio
- Seasons: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Note: His name is a play on the phrase "Want More Pay", a dig at the reported high salaries of Singapore politicians. Wan's dress style is a parody of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. Wan originally spoke Standard Singapore English, but began to speak in basilectal Singaporean English in later episodes, as a dig at politicians who speak "half-past-six " English.
Jacques Ooi[edit]
- Name: Jacques Ooi
- Age: 46 (looks very young, because apparently he's a good friend of plastic surgeon Woffles Wu)
- Nationality: Singaporean on weekdays, Malaysian on weekends (dual citizenship)
- Race: Pan-Asian (as he wants us to quote and unquote)
- Language: Hainanese, Cantonese, Hokkien, Teochew, and other dialects of various provinces in China.
- Education: MTUC University - Majored (but failed) in "Ass-tronomy" [astronomy]
- Career: PR Manager of Rochor Canal Network, Hand Model for Crimewatch Season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7
- Awards: Best Parrot Trainer Award (2001)
- Role: Field Reporter
- Email: jooi@thenoose.con
- Seasons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Note: Jacques pronounces his name as "Jack-ass" and has a habit of wearing a very short tie. The only time he pronounced his name as "Jacques" is when he spoke in French during a report on taxi drivers.
Kim Johnny Un[edit]
- Name: Kim Johnny Un
- Role: Son of the North Korean leader
- Seasons: 4
- Note: He is a parody of Kim Jong Un and is commonly known only as "Johnny". During interviews, he speaks in hip hop slang.
Pornsak Sukhumvit[edit]
- Name: Pornsak Sukhumvit
- Role: Thai correspondent
- Seasons: 5, 6
- Note: It is implied that he is a kathoey due to his effeminate mannerisms. There is a running gag where he tries to recite Bangkok's full ceremonial name, but stops and simply calls the city Bangkok (with the exception of his debut appearance in which he did announce its full name). His character has featured on two Scoot commercials for its Gold Coast route and on hannel 5 game show We Are Singaporeans.
Channel 5 held a talent search programme, Are You Noose Enough, for a cameo in The Noose 6. Pornsak explained the eligibity requirements, and cameos featured include Alaric Tay, Darin Law, Chris Brownie and Diablo Tay.
Characters played by Gurmit Singh[edit]
Roy Terse[edit]
- Name: Roy Terse
- Age: 48
- Nationality: Singaporean
- Race: Often mistaken as Sikh, but is truly a Eurasian
- Language: English (in various accents)
- Education: S&M University - PhD in Numerology, Masters in Home Economics, Bachelor in Singapore Rock Music History
- Career: Child actor in Aksi Mat Yoyo (Age 6 - 10) - he was the orange cat.
- Part-time TOTO results announcer for 93.3 Radio (Age 30 - 35)
- Anchor for Al Abishgebaboom Network during the "US War against Terrorism" (Age 35 - 45)
- Awards: Best Male Toto results Announcer (2000) - there was only 1 nomination that year
- Role: News Anchor
- Seasons: 1
- Note: Roy Terse is a play on the word Reuters, a British based news service.
Windy Miao[edit]
- Name: Windy Miao
- Role: Weather Reporter
- Seasons: 1, 2
- Note: His given name, Windy, is a play on the fact that he talks about the wind and weather. He is also campy.
Characters of Judee Tan[edit]
Carmen Noble Ng[edit]
- Name: Carmen Noble Ng
- Role: Intern Field Reporter
- Seasons: 5
- Notes: Carmen speaks in a faux, posh accent, and is somewhat flirtatious.
Kim Bong Cha[edit]
- Name: Kim Bong Cha
- Role: North Korean correspondent
- Seasons: 4
- Description: Kim Bong Cha secretly has a crush on North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Her stiff mannerisms and accent are a parody of North Korean news anchors and reporters, such as Ri Chun-hee. Kim was scheduled to make an appearance in the sixth season, but her segment was deleted from the script due to the then-ongoing Korean Crisis.
See Yan Yan[edit]
- Name: See Yan Yan
- Role: Reporter
- Seasons: 6
- Notes: See Yan Yan's name is a pun of CNN (Cable News Network). Yan Yan speaks in a faux, posh accent. She functionally replaces Carmen Noble Ng.
Characters of Michelle Chong[edit]
Barbarella, Leticia and Lulu were featured in an advertisement for the new launch of the "Jewel @ Buangkok" condominium.
Nancy Goh[edit]
- Name: Nancy Goh
- Language: English, (Mother Tongue is not too good)
- Age: 48
- Career: Shareholder
- Role: Interviewee
- Seasons: 3, 4, 5
- Note: One of her daughters is currently in Raffles Junior College, previously from Raffles Girls' School, and another is currently studying in a polytechnic. Her son is currently serving BMT in Pulau Tekon]. Though she is quite prudish, her secret identity is the Ninja Auntie. She hates being interviewed by the Noose and tries to drive them away. When she talks, she always looks a little down with her glasses on her nose with eyes looking up. She is often recognised by locals as a parody of the stereotypical "kiasu" Singaporean mother.
Adrianna Wow[edit]
- Name: Adrianna Wow
- Age: 21 (so she claims)
- Nationality: Singaporean (Asian born but American claims-to-be)
- Race: Chinese but claims to be "pure American Chinese"
- Language: US-spoken English, US-spoken Hokkien, US-spoken Cantonese, used to know how to speak Mandarin 2 years ago
- Education: Englewood University, Compton, Los Angeles
- Career: Runway model, Miss Hawaiian Tropics (2005)
- Awards: Best Weather Girl (2001), Best Hairdo (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005), Most Bimbotic Smile of The Year 2006
- Role: News Anchor
- Seasons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Note: Was B.B. See's co-anchor. Feminine and overly-sensitive much to the annoyance of B.B. See, she often introduces herself with a pause between her name and surname (Adrianna, Wow!). Unike her co-anchor, she speaks with a Californian accent.
Leticia Bongnino[edit]
- Name: Leticia Bongnino
- Career: Domestic Maid
- Language: Filipino-accented English with several Tagalog phrases
- Seasons: 1, 3, 4, 5
- Note: Leticia speaks with a stereotypical Filipino accent. She often greets the audience as "sir" and "ma'am", and introduces her name and career. The character has featured on the MediaCorp TV Channel 8 Chinese language show Black Rose (爆料黑玫瑰) and the Channel 5 gameshow We Are Singaporeans, both portrayed by Michelle Chong herself.
Nida Goodwood[edit]
- Name: Nida Goodwood
- Role: News Reporter
- Email: nidwood@thenoose.con (loose@noose.con.job in earlier episodes)
- Seasons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Note: She speaks in a very uptight manner, with a slight Received Pronunciation accent. Her name is a play on the phrase "Need a good wood", which suggests sexual innuendo and also refers to Nina Goodwood, a journalist with the SBC during the 1990s.
- Name: Barbarella (her "last name" changes with each appearance)
- Race Chinese (but her "mother tongue isn't very good")
- Role: Interviewee
- Seasons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Note: A vapid SPG (she pronounces it as "aspergers") and President of the Singapore SPGs Club. She speaks with a pseudo-accent (a mixture of American and Singlish) and is obsessed with Caucasian men (she uses the Singaporean slang word of Hokkien origin, "ang moh", when referring to them) and Western culture. She is named after two of her role-models Conan the Barbarian and Cinderella. Her character has featured on two Scoot commercials in Gold Coast.
- Name: Lulu
- Nationality: Mainland Chinese
- Race: Chinese
- Language: Putonghua, Mandarin-accented English
- Career: KTV Hostess, Weather Girl, Foreign Talent Assimilator
- Role: Interviewee & Weather Girl
- Seasons: 3, 4, 5
- Notes: Lulu is a KTV hostess. A running gag involves her greeting audiences in Mandarin, but corrected and told to speak English. She speaks with a distinct Chinese accent and is also a weather girl, sells expensive curry powder, and is planning to sell handmade noodles (but she will be using a machine to make it).
Characters of Suhaimi Yusof[edit]
Jojo Joget[edit]
- Name: Jojo Joget
- Role: Field Reporter
- Email: joget@thenoose.con (jogetlaid@noose.con.job and jojojo@thenoose.con in earlier episodes)
- Seasons: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Note: His name is a play on the joget dance and he mimicks it when signing off.
Henderson Pooper[edit]
- Name: Henderson Pooper
- Role: War Reporter
- Seasons: 6
- Note: Henderson is asthmatic. His name is a play on CNN's Anderson Cooper.