User talk:Supernutorcrazy

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Rules for my feedback to stop irritate me.

  • Please kindly wait for up to 7 days unless stated otherwise for my reply to your feedback. No reply will be given if your feedback does not require reply or I could not answer to your feedback.
  • Please do not ask for general question like How to etc.
  • Please do not ask for permission to do something.
  • Please refrain from requesting to retrieved deleted article as excessive history will be cleared.
  • When requesting me to edit locked pages, please give either
    • Affected sections code
    • Advertisement in full
    • Affected parts to change in details.
    • Avoid statement like same as other vehicle
  • Please kindly indicate Autoblock ID if you have been affected from it.
  • I will not entertain any request under BCM transition.

Leave your message below

Rail Wiki Expansion

Hi Supernutorcrazy,

Is it OK to add info of train deployments (including TRNs and their sequences), acronyms legend and train fleet info (similar to what's done for buses)?
Data can be obtained from here:
All data collated in the above document are based on spottings and observations from fellow enthusiasts.

I hope you will support us to make these valuable information more accessible to all. Thank you.

Station layout

Looks like a perfect concept! Very simple and straight to the point with just the icons in place.

Was this inspired from the elevator diagrams that appear at certain stations eg. Somerset, Chinatown? I will try and see whether I have the skill to do a replication.

How would this turn out if it were a transfer station?

Map progress /Alternative Travel Method Upgrades

Nah I checked the Main Page, I don't have the rights to edit.

Meanwhile I am getting some time to learn how to create a dropdown box

Thanks and Regards

Reply: Fleet Size of 912


I will leave the fleet size as 4 for now. As far as I know they only have 4 buses scheduled with 5 AP duties every day.

Re "858 DD"

I thank you for the message. Just to put it on record, I have no issues with the revert, which I find completely justified (as you've laid out on the false impression part), and I would've removed/changed the message as well. However, the message that Alphabetlorefan1 said "bus 858 DDs are cameo" was an erroneous one, as they are not cameos, which you've also recognized that there are downroute slots. Hence I felt there was a need to correct the user so as to prevent any misunderstandings in the future.


Editing of TEL4 images

Hi Supernutorcrazy, I just added images for new TEL4 stations to put in the new stations page, but when I want to add the images in TEL page, turns out a PNG file must be added. Is there any other way to add JPG images or what? Let me know


Alphabetlorefan1 (talk) 24 June 2024, 17:36


Hi Supernutocrazy, I just want to clarify about SBS6806D. It got transferred to UPDEP in May 2024. It is still stated that it is still in UPDEP with no permanent deployment. I suspect it went to lta storage but I do not want to make assumptions. I hope you would look into this matter and take action soon. Thank you for your attention.

Yours Faithfully,


I would like to edit the advertisement Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2024: Run As One Go Beyond. 29 Nov - 1 Dec. into it with MDDEP 855 into the deployments as the new advertisement contract is for that service.

Outdated Updates Due to Locking Of Pages for Mercedes-Benz OC500LE (Batch 1) & Scania K230UB (Euro IV)(Batch 2)

It has come to my attention many advertisement updates have been outdated/not been updated for the pages "Mercedes-Benz OC500LE (Batch 1)" & "Scania K230UB (Euro IV)(Batch 2)" by your doing, possibly due to abuse by other users whom we may not have known. Many Facebook users from "Buses & Train Advertisements" groups have continuously given feedback on this. Your fellow SBS5251K has posted this for so long yet you lacked the courtesy to update so.

Please have the courtesy to update regularly if you don't want all your non-admins to contribute, or have your other admins keep track and your admins are not even doing the job too. Stop pushing everything to other admins when nobody knows and cares who are the admins in this SGWiki.

You can give me a warning point or ban me for being rude to you, just shows how you're "super nut or crazy" in receiving feedback from other people. At the end of the day, we are still normal citizens living our own lives outside of this SGWiki page. Cheers!


The main point is the locking of the pages "Mercedes-Benz OC500LE (Batch 1)" & "Scania K230UB (Euro IV)(Batch 2)", look at how outdated it is. There were so many advert pastings posted on Facebook for these 5 days yet other people who want to edit but cannot edit.

Can't you read the first two paragraphes?

If you don't have the time, then unlock the pages and stop protecting it for admin only, thank you!

I don't need to tell you so much since you're not in the Facebook group for new bus advertisements. If you can't open up for more edits, then that is your loss and SGWiki's loss.