Vehicle Checksum Formula
This is the page for future bus registration numbers.
The Suffix of the bus registration number is based on the following formula.
Demonstrators Bus Registration Numbers are predicted.
For SBS Transit Buses [SBS Registration Numbers]
2 - (5 X 1st Number) - (4 X 2nd Number) - (3 X 3rd Number) - (2 X 4th Number)
For SMRT Buses [TIB Registration Numbers]
7 - (5 X 1st Number) - (4 X 2nd Number) - (3 X 3rd Number) - (2 X 4th Number)
For SMRT Buses [SMB Registration Numbers]
9 - (5 X 1st Number) - (4 X 2nd Number) - (3 X 3rd Number) - (2 X 4th Number)
For SMRT Buses [CSS Registration Numbers]
12 - (5 X 1st Number) - (4 X 2nd Number) - (3 X 3rd Number) - (2 X 4th Number)
Using the result, mod the number with 19, you will get a number from 0 to 18. Refer to the list below for the suffix.
1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C, 4 = D, 5 = E, 6 = G, 7 = H, 8 = J, 9 = K, 10 = L, 11 = M, 12 = P, 13 = R, 14 = S, 15 = T, 16 = U, 17 = X, 18 = Y, 0 = Z
You can mod the number by 19 using Google. For example, if the result is -156, type ' -156 mod 19 ' into the Google search bar and it would calculate the answer.
SBS Transit Buses
Mercedes Citaro
SBS6000L - SBS6299S
Volvo B9TL Batch 2
SBS3000G - SBS3269Z, SBS7700T - SBS7729L
SMRT Buses
SMB189A - SMB388S