History of Jurong Industrial Services

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Service 245 (1977 - 1990)[edit]

Operator Route Year Date Service changes
SBS Boon Lay Gardens ↺ Pandan Rd (1977 - 1978) 1977 6 June Introduced between Boon Lay Gdns Ter and Pandan Rd (Loop).
Jurong ↺ Pandan Rd (1978 - 1990) 1978 1 June Amended to Jurong Int.
1990 1 July Integrated with Service 78 and discontinued with the opening of Boon Lay Int.

Service 246 Handicapped/disabled access[edit]

Refer to Bus Service 246 for more information.

Service 247 (1978 - 1991)[edit]

Operator Route Year Date Service changes
SBS Jurong ↺ Jurong Pier Rd (1978 - 1990) 1978 1 June Introduced between Jurong Int and Jurong Pier Rd (Loop).
1981 14 June Amended to skip Fishery Port Rd and Jln Tepong towards Jurong Int.
Boon Lay ↺ Jurong Pier Rd (1990 - 1991) 1990 1 July Amended to Boon Lay Int and amended to ply Jurong Port Rd, Jln Tepong, Fishery Port Rd and Jln Buroh in both directions.
1991 20 January Integrated with Service 98 and discontinued under TransitLink Network Integration Exercise Phase 2.

Service 247 (since 2017) Handicapped/disabled access[edit]

Refer to Bus Service 247 for more information.

Service 247A (1978 - 1987)[edit]

Operator Year Date Service changes
SBS 1978 22 June Introduced between Boon Lay Gdns Ter and Jurong Pier Rd (AM Peak) and between Jurong Pier Rd and Boon Lay Gdns Ter (PM Peak) as a peak hour one-directional service on weekdays and Saturdays.
1987 5 October Discontinued.

Service 248 (1978 - 1992)[edit]

Operator Route Year Date Service changes
SBS Jurong ↺ Neythal Rd (1978 - 1990) 1978 1 June Introduced between Jurong Int and Neythal Rd (Loop).
Boon Lay ↺ Neythal Rd (1990 - 1992) 1990 1 July Amended to Boon Lay Int.
1992 29 March Integrated with Service 250 and discontinued.

Service 248 (since 2017) Handicapped/disabled access[edit]

Operator Route Year Date Service changes
SBS Transit Tuas ↺ Tuas South Ave 14 (since 2017) 2017 18 June Introduced between Tuas Ter and Tuas Sth Ave 14 (Loop) under the LTA's Bus Service Enhancement Programme (BSEP), operating between 0600 hrs and 2315 hrs daily. Wheelchair-accessible at launch.
7 October Amended to the new Tuas Ter.
SMRT Buses
2024 15 September Operations transferred to SMRT Buses.

Service 248M Handicapped/disabled access[edit]

Operator Route Year Date Service changes
SBS Transit Tuas ↺ Tuas South Way (since 2021) 2021 26 September Introduced between Tuas Ter and Tuas Sth Way (Loop) as an extended route of Service 248 via Tuas Sth Blvd during peak hours daily. Wheelchair-accessible at launch.
2023 17 December Enhanced to operate as alternate trips of Service 248 during off peak hours daily.
SMRT Buses
2024 15 September Operations transferred to SMRT Buses.

Service 249 Handicapped/disabled access / Short Trip 249A (since 2024) Handicapped/disabled access[edit]

Refer to Bus Service 249 for more information.

Service 249A (1978 - 1987)[edit]

Operator Year Date Service changes
SBS 1978 16 June Introduced between Boon Lay Gdns Ter and Jln Samulun (AM Peak) and between Jln Samulun and Boon Lay Gdns Ter (PM Peak) as a peak hour one-directional service on weekdays and Saturdays.
1986 29 June Serves new bus stop outside Jurong Shipyard along Tg Kling Rd.
1987 5 October Discontinued.

Service 250 (1978 - 2001)[edit]

Operator Route Year Date Service changes
SBS Jurong ↺ Sixth Lokyang Rd (1978 - 1990) 1978 1 June Introduced between Jurong Int and Sixth Lokyang Rd (Loop).
Boon Lay ↺ Sixth Lokyang Rd (1990 - 2001) 1990 1 July Amended to Boon Lay Int, skipping Jln Ahmad Ibrahim and Pioneer Rd.
1992 29 March Integrated with Service 248 and amended to ply Enterprise Rd, Kwong Min Rd/Wan Lee Rd, Soon Lee Rd and Fan Yoong Rd.
2001 11 February Integrated with Services 192 and 252 and discontinued.

Service 250A (1978 - 1987)[edit]

Operator Year Date Service changes
SBS 1978 22 June Introduced between Boon Lay Gardens Ter and Lokyang Way (AM Peak) and between Intl Rd and Boon Lay Gdns Ter (PM Peak) as a peak hour one-directional service on weekdays and Saturdays.
1987 5 October Discontinued.

Service 251 Handicapped/disabled access[edit]

Operator Route Year Date Service changes
SBS Jurong ↺ Refinery Rd (1978 - 1990) 1978 1 June Introduced between Jurong Int and Refinery Rd (Loop).
1987 12 April Serves 5 additional pairs of bus stops along Jln Ahmad Ibrahim.
Boon Lay ↺ Refinery Rd (1990 - 2001) 1990 1 July Amended to Boon Lay Int.
Boon Lay ↺ Benoi Rd (2001 - 2006) 2001 11 February Integrated with Service 253 and extended to loop at Benoi Rd, skipping Refinery Rd.
SBS Transit 2005 TBC Amended to ply Jln Buroh and Tg Kling Rd, skipping Liu Fang Rd.
2006 TBC Serves new pair of bus stops before and after Jln Buroh along Tg Kling Rd.
Boon Lay Temp Int ↺ Benoi Rd (2006 - 2009) 18 June Amended to Boon Lay Temp Int.
15 November Serves new pair of bus stops before and after Jln Buroh along Pioneer Rd.
Boon Lay ↺ Benoi Rd (2009 - 2015) 2009 27 December Amended to Boon Lay Integrated Transport Hub.
Boon Lay ↺ Shipyard Rd (since 2015) 2015 12 December Shortened to loop at Shipyard Rd and amended to ply Jurong West St 64, Boon Lay Way and Pioneer Rd Nth, skipping Jln Ahmad Ibrahim and Benoi Rd.
2016 25 January Designated wheelchair-accessible bus service (WAB). WAB
SMRT Buses
2024 1 September Operations transferred to SMRT Buses.

Service 251A (1978 - 1987)[edit]

Operator Year Date Service changes
SBS 1978 22 June Introduced between Boon Lay Gdns Ter and Refinery Rd (AM Peak) and between Refinery Rd and Boon Lay Gdns Ter (PM Peak).
1987 5 October Discontinued.

Service 252 Handicapped/disabled access[edit]

Operator Route Year Date Service changes
SBS Jurong ↺ Gul Circle (1981 - 1990) 1981 15 November Introduced between Jurong Int and Gul Circle (Loop), replacing deleted sectors of the amended Service 255.
Boon Lay ↺ Gul Circle (1990 - 1995) 1990 1 July Amended to Boon Lay Int.
1992 29 March Serves all bus stops along Jln Boon Lay and Intl Rd.
Boon Lay ↺ Joo Koon Rd (1995 - 2006) 1995 15 January Amended to loop at Joo Koon Rd.
2001 11 February Integrated with Service 250 and amended to ply Enterprise Rd, Kwong Min Rd/Wan Lee Rd, Soon Lee Rd and Fan Yoong Rd.
SBS Transit Boon Lay Temp Int ↺ Joo Koon Rd (2006 - 2009) 2006 18 June Amended to Boon Lay Temp Int.
Boon Lay ↺ Joo Koon Rd (since 2009) 2009 27 December Amended to Boon Lay Integrated Transport Hub.
2016 25 January Designated wheelchair-accessible bus service (WAB). WAB
2024 26 May Amended to ply Jurong West St 64 due to upgrading works at Boon Lay Int.
First bus brought forward to 0540 hrs daily.
SMRT Buses
1 September Operations transferred to SMRT Buses.

Service 253 (1978 - 2001)[edit]

Operator Route Year Date Service changes
SBS Jurong ↺ Benoi Rd (1978 - 1990) 1978 1 June Introduced between Jurong Int and Benoi Rd (Loop).
1987 12 April Serves 5 additional pairs of bus stops along Jln Ahmad Ibrahim.
Boon Lay ↺ Benoi Rd (1990 - 2001) 1990 1 July Amended to Boon Lay Int.
1995 15 January Amended to ply Pioneer Rd and Benoi Sector.
Skips 3 pairs of bus stops along Jln Ahmad Ibrahim.
2001 11 February Integrated with Services 251, 255 and 257 and discontinued.

Service 253 (since 2015) Handicapped/disabled access[edit]

Refer to Bus Service 253 for more information.

Service 254 (1977 - 1978)[edit]

Operator Year Date Service changes
SBS 1977 6 June Introduced between Boon Lay Gdns Ter and Gul Cres (Loop) as a peak hour service on weekdays and Saturdays.
1978 1 June Discontinued with the introduction of Service 255.

Service 254 (since 1984) Handicapped/disabled access[edit]

Refer to Bus Service 254 for more information.

Service 255 Handicapped/disabled access[edit]

Refer to Bus Service 255 for more information.

Service 256 (2015 - 2017) Handicapped/disabled access[edit]

Operator Year Date Service changes
SBS Transit 2015 28 November Introduced between Boon Lay Int and Joo Koon Integrated Transport Hub (Loop), operating between 0545 hrs and 2320 hrs daily from Boon Lay Int.
2016 25 January Designated wheelchair-accessible bus service (WAB). WAB
2017 18 June Integrated with Services 192 and 258 and discontinued.

Service 257 Handicapped/disabled access[edit]

Refer to Bus Service 257 for more information.

Service 258 Handicapped/disabled access[edit]

Refer to Bus Service 258 for more information.