Bus Service 920

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SMRT Trains
  • From Sunday, 14 November 2024 to 31 October 2025, Train services on the Bukit Panjang LRT will end an hour earlier at 22:30 every Thursday to Sunday (except Public Holidays). This is to facilitate the upgrading of the BPLRT signalling system, as well as the testing of the new and retrofitted Light Rail Vehicles (LRVs) on the BPLRT network. Please refer here for more information.

SBS Transit SMRT Trains Tower Transit Go-Ahead

SMRT Buses
  • From 22 December 2024, bus service 193 will serve an additional bus stop along Benoi Road, opposite Joo Koon Interchange. Please refer here for more information.

SBS Transit Go-Ahead
  • From Thursday, 2 January 2025, City Direct Services 675, 676, 677 & 678 will be introduced to provide a faster connection to the city for commuters along the North-East Corridor. Please refer here for more information.

SMRT Buses
  • From Sunday, 12 January 2025, bus service 967 will be introduced to enhance connectivity for commuters in Marsiling and Admiralty to nearby transport nodes and local amenities in Woodlands. Please refer here for more information.

SMRT Buses
  • From Monday, 13 January 2025, bus service 912M will be withdrawn with the introduction of new bus service 967 under the Land Transport Authority’s Bus Connectivity Enhancement Programme (BCEP). Please refer here for more information.

Service 920
Route Information
Route Bukit Panjang Bus Interchange ↺ Bangkit Road (Loop)
Route Length 9.6 km
Travelling Time 50 mins
Operator SMRT Buses
(Choa Chu Kang – Bukit Panjang Bus Package)

Feeder Service 920 serves residential blocks, schools and public amenities along Senja Rd, Saujana Rd, Fajar Rd and Bangkit Rd, connecting them to transport nodes at Bukit Panjang Road and Bukit Panjang LRT station. Its primary area of service is Bukit Panjang Neighbourhoods 2, 4, 5 and 6.

Service Information[edit]

Bus Duty & Fleet[edit]

Depot Fleet Size Fleet
Kranji Bus Depot (KJDEP) 8 8 Single Deckers

SG3007A SG3009U SG3010P SG3011L SG3012J SG3013G SG3015B SG3025Y
Volvo B5LH

  • This service practises jumpbus & interlining with Feeder 922.
  • All Feeder 920 buses park at Woodlands Bus Park (WLBP).
  • Weekdays: 5 AM - 5 PM / 2 S1 (7 buses)
  • Saturdays: 5 AM - 6 PM / 2 TQ (8 buses)
  • Sundays: 4 AM - 5 PM / 2 S1 / 1 TQ (8 buses)

Route Information[edit]


Period AM Peak
(First Bus - 08:30)
AM Off Peak
(08:31 - 16:59)
PM Peak
(17:00 - 19:00)
PM Off Peak
(19:01 - Last Bus)
Loop Service 07 - 10 minutes 08 - 12 minutes 06 - 08 minutes 07 - 12 minutes

Special Departures[edit]

  • Blk 636A icon44861
    Senja Rd
    Bt Panjang Int icon45009
    Petir Rd
    • Weekdays: 05:30

Loop Service[edit]

[Show/Hide Full Route Details]

Bus Stops Nearby Attraction Weekdays Saturdays Suns / PHs
First bus Last bus First bus Last bus First bus Last bus
Bt Panjang Int (Berth B3) icon45009
Petir Rd
DT1BP6Bukit Panjang
Hillion Mall
05:30 01:10 05:30 01:10 05:30 01:10
Opp Bt Panjang Plaza icon44631
Jelebu Rd
Bukit Panjang Plaza
Hillion Mall
05:31 01:11 05:32 01:12 05:32 01:12
Blk 602 icon44641
Bt Panjang Ring Rd
BP13Senja 05:33 01:13 05:34 01:14 05:34 01:14
West View Pr Sch icon44791
Senja Rd
05:34 01:14 05:35 01:15 05:35 01:15
Opp Blk 628 icon44801
Senja Rd
05:36 01:16 05:37 01:17 05:37 01:17
Blk 636A icon44861
Senja Rd
05:30 01:17 05:38 01:18 05:38 01:18
Blk 638A icon44951
Senja Close
05:32 01:19 05:40 01:20 05:40 01:20
Blk 643 CP icon44931
Senja Rd
05:33 01:20 05:41 01:21 05:41 01:21
Opp Jelapang Stn icon44721
Bt Panjang Ring Rd
BP12Jelapang 05:35 01:22 05:43 01:23 05:43 01:23
Blk 532 icon44661
Jelapang Rd
05:38 01:25 05:46 01:26 05:46 01:26
Bet Blks 502/503 icon44671
Saujana Rd
05:38 01:25 05:46 01:26 05:46 01:26
Blk 413 icon44601
Saujana Rd
05:40 01:27 05:48 01:28 05:48 01:28
Bet Blks 443A/443B icon44349
Fajar Rd
05:40 01:27 05:48 01:28 05:48 01:28
Blk 442D icon44339
Fajar Rd
05:42 01:28 05:50 01:30 05:50 01:30
Bangkit Stn icon44329
Bt Panjang Ring Rd
BP9Bangkit 05:43 01:29 05:51 01:31 05:50 01:31
Opp Blk 271 icon44301
Bangkit Rd
05:46 01:32 05:54 01:34 05:54 01:34
Opp Blk 253 icon44311
Bangkit Rd
05:47 01:33 05:55 01:35 05:55 01:35
Opp Bangkit Stn icon44321
Bt Panjang Ring Rd
BP9Bangkit 05:49 01:34 05:57 01:37 05:57 01:37
Blk 239 icon44331
Fajar Rd
05:50 01:35 05:58 01:38 05:58 01:38
Blk 401A CP icon44341
Fajar Rd
05:51 01:37 05:59 01:39 05:59 01:39
Blk 408 icon44609
Saujana Rd
05:52 01:37 06:00 01:40 06:00 01:40
Opp Blk 502 icon44679
Saujana Rd
05:54 01:39 06:02 01:42 06:02 01:42
Opp Blk 532 icon44669
Jelapang Rd
05:55 01:40 06:03 01:43 06:03 01:43
Opp Blk 650 icon44829
Senja Lk
05:56 01:41 06:04 01:44 06:04 01:44
Blk 643A icon44959
Senja Close
05:59 01:44 06:07 01:47 06:07 01:47
Opp West Spring Sec Sch icon44819
Senja Rd
06:01 01:46 06:09 01:49 06:09 01:49
Bef Blk 629A CP icon44869
Senja Rd
06:02 01:46 06:10 01:49 06:09 01:49
Blk 628 icon44809
Senja Rd
06:04 01:48 06:12 01:51 06:11 01:51
Blk 610 icon44799
Senja Rd
06:05 01:49 06:13 01:52 06:12 01:52
Blk 541A CP icon44649
Bt Panjang Ring Rd
BP13Senja 06:07 01:50 06:16 01:54 06:15 01:54
Bt Panjang Plaza icon44639
Jelebu Rd
Bukit Panjang Plaza
Hillion Mall
06:09 01:51 06:17 01:56 06:16 01:56
Bt Panjang Int (Alighting) icon45009
Petir Rd
DT1BP6Bukit Panjang
Hillion Mall
06:12 01:54 06:21 01:59 06:20 01:59

Historical Information[edit]

Operator Route Year Date Service changes
SMRT Buses

Known as Trans Island prior to 10 May 2004
Bukit Panjang ↺ Bangkit Rd 2000 26 March Introduced between Bt Panjang Int and Bangkit Rd (Loop).
2003 TBC Serves additional pair of bus stops outside and opposite Bt Panjang Plaza along Jelebu Rd.
2005 29 May Amended to ply Senja Rd and Senja Lk.
2006 TBC Serves new pair of bus stops along Senja Lk.
2011 3 December Designated wheelchair-accessible bus service (WAB). WAB
2012 16 December Amended to start from and terminate at Bt Panjang Rd with the opening of Bt Panjang Temp Bus Pk and the closure of Bt Panjang Int.
2013 17 November Serves new staggered bus stop opposite Blk 183 along Bt Panjang Rd, skipping the bus stop outside Blk 604.
2015 16 August Serves 2 new bus stops between Blks 443A and 443B and outside Blk 442D along Fajar Rd.
6 September Serves new pair of bus stops outside and opposite Blk 635C along Senja Rd.
27 December Amended to start from Petir Rd, ply Jelebu Rd and extended to terminate at Upp Bt Timah Rd.
2016 12 March Last bus extended to 0100 hrs daily.
2017 4 September Amended to Bt Panjang Integrated Transport Hub.
2019 13 January Last bus extended to 0110 hrs daily.
2022 3 April Amended to ply Senja Cl, skipping a portion of Senja Rd.
Amended to ply Senja Rd and Bt Panjang Ring Rd towards Bangkit Rd with the conversion of Senja Lk to one-way traffic.
icon Choa Chu Kang – Bukit Panjang Bus Package [ VTE]
SMRT Buses
Services 61 • 67 • 75 • 172 • 176 • 180 • 184 • 188 • 188e • 190 • 868E • 927 • 970 • 972 • 972M • 973 • 975 • 976 • 979 • 982E • 983 • 983M • 985 • 991
Choa Chu Kang Feeders 300 • 301 • 302 • 307
Bukit Panjang Feeders 920922
Bus Fleet Kranji Depot (KJDEP)
Single Decker MAN NL323F (Euro V, Batch 1Euro V, Batch 2Euro V, Batch 3) • Volvo B5LH
Double Decker Alexander Dennis Enviro500 (3-DoorBatch 1Batch 2) • MAN ND323F (3-DoorEuro V, Batch 1Euro V, Batch 2Euro V, Batch 3Euro VI, Batch 1Euro VI, Batch 2)
Articulated Buses MAN NG363F
Tender Under Negotiation