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  {{Infoline|Address|437 Orchard Road<br>Singapore 238878}}
  {{Infoline|Address (NSL)|437 Orchard Road<br>Singapore 238878}}
  {{Infoline|Line(s)|{{NSL}}<br>{{TEL}} <small>''(Future)}}
{{Infoline|Address (TEL)|301 Orchard Boulevard<br>Singapore 237974}}
  {{Infoline|Connections|[[File:Bus Logo.png|25px|link=|alt=Bus]] [[File:Taxi Logo.png|25px|link=|alt=Taxi]]}}
  {{Infoline|Connections|{{Icon|Bus|B|25px|o={{CSS/BUS|xfc=|xbc=}}|a=Bus|d=inline}} {{Icon|Taxi|W|25px|o={{CSS/LTA|xfc=|xbc=}}|a=Taxi|d=inline}}}}

'''Orchard (NS22/TE14)''' is an underground [[Mass Rapid Transit]] (MRT) station on the {{NSL}} and the future {{TEL}}.<ref>[//app.mot.gov.sg/News_Centre/Latest_News/NewsID/1025BFFF26792831/Speech_by_Mr_Lui_Tuck_Yew_Minister_for_Transport_at_the_Inspection_of_Downtown_Line_1_Station_and_A.aspx "Speech by Mr Lui Tuck Yew, Minister for Transport, at the Inspection of Downtown Line 1 Station and Announcement of Thomson Line alignment, 29 August 2012, 10.00am at Telok Ayer Station"]. Ministry of Transport. Retrieved 29 August 2012.</ref><br>
'''Orchard (NS22/TE14)''' is a [[Mass Rapid Transit]] (MRT) station on the {{NSL}} and the {{TEL}}<ref>[//www.lta.gov.sg/content/ltagov/en/upcoming_projects/rail_expansion/thomson_east_coast_line.html "Thomson-East Coast Line"]. Land Transport Authority.</ref>.

Line 16: Line 19:
|12 December 1987||Station officially opens
|12 December 1987||Station officially opened
|13 November 2022||Station interchanged with {{TEL}}
===2011 train disruption===
On 17 December 2011, a faulty train heading southbound was stucked between Orchard and {{Stn|Somerset}} stations at 6.50am. This caused a train disruption between {{Stn|Toa Payoh}} and {{Stn|Marina Bay}} stations. Train service resumed at 1pm later in the day.<ref>[//web.archive.org/web/20120107185109/www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1171914/1/.html "North-South Line service resumes after 7-hour disruption"]. Channel NewsAsia. Archived on 7 January 2012.</ref> Later investigation found out that the disruption was caused by damaged current collector device (CCD) shoes on train which draws powers from the third rail that is link to the previous disruption 2 days earlier. As a result of the damaged CCD shoes, a portion of southbound track third rail between {{Stn|Newton}} and Orchard stations sagged.<ref>[//www.mot.gov.sg/news-centre/news/Detail/Release%20of%20Report%20of%20COI%20into%2015%20and%2017%20December%202011%20MRT%20Disruptions/ "Release of Report of COI into 15 and 17 December 2011 MRT Disruptions"]. Ministry of Transport.</ref>
*[[File:CE2-Flowers in Blossom.png|300px]]<br>{{NSL}}: ''Flowers in Blossom'' by Tay Chee Toh<br>The mobile of delicate sculptures resembling flowers was originally hung here before it was removed due to redevelopment of the area. It was then re-commissioned at {{Stn|Marina Bay}} station.<ref>[//publicistpr.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Press-Release-Art-Seasons-Art-In-Motion-_-Hanging-Mobiles-by-Tay-Chee-Toh.pdf "Art In Motion – Hanging Mobiles by Tay Chee Toh"]. Art Seasons.</ref>

Line 29: Line 40:
|Orchard Xchange
|Orchard Xchange
!rowspan=2 width=25|B2
|width=125|NSL Concourse
|Faregates, Ticketing Machines, Passenger Service Centre, Transitlink Ticket Office
|Faregates, Ticketing Machines, Passenger Service Centre, Transitlink Ticket Office
|width=125|TEL Concourse
|Platform A||{{RailRoute/2|NSL|right|{{Code|1|NSL|NS22}}<br>{{Stn|Orchard}}|{{NS9}}|{{NS1}}}}
|Faregates, Ticketing Machines, Passenger Service Centre
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:100%;"
|style='padding-right:.5em;'|{{Layout/Arrow|NSL|0}} {{Layout/Station|NS1}}
|style='padding-left:.5em;border-left:1px solid;width:200px'|'''Service Map'''
<div style='overflow-x:scroll;white-space:nowrap;max-width:75vw;'>
{{Layout/Map|NS22|#000|#fff|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS21|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS20|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS19|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS18|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS17|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS16|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS15|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS14|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS13|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS12|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS11|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS10|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS9|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS8|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS7|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS5|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS4|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS3|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS2|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS1|c=NSL|r=}}
|colspan=2 class="platform"|Platform A/B
|colspan=2 class="platform"|Platform A/B
|Platform B||{{RailRoute/1|NSL|left|{{NS28}}|{{Code|1|NSL|NS22}}<br>{{Stn|Orchard}}}}
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:100%;"
|style='padding-right:.5em;'|{{Layout/Arrow|NSL|180}} {{Layout/Station|NS28}}
|style='padding-left:.5em;border-left:1px solid;width:200px'|'''Service Map'''
<div style='overflow-x:scroll;white-space:nowrap;max-width:75vw;'>
{{Layout/Map|NS28|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS27|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS26|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS25|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS24|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS23|c=NSL}} {{Layout/Map|NS22|#000|#fff|c=NSL|r=}}
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:100%"
|style='padding-right:.5em;'|{{Layout/Arrow|TEL|0}} {{Layout/Station|TE29}}
|style='padding-left:.5em;border-left:1px solid;width:200px'|'''Service Map'''
<div style='overflow-x:scroll;white-space:nowrap;max-width:75vw;'>
{{Layout/Map|TE14|#000|#fff|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE15|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE16|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE17|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE18|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE19|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE20|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE22|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE23|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE24|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE25|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE26|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE27|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE28|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE29|c=TEL|r=}}
|colspan=2 class="platform"|Platform C/D
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:100%"
|style='padding-right:.5em;'|{{Layout/Arrow|TEL|180}} {{Layout/Station|TE1}}
|style='padding-left:.5em;border-left:1px solid;width:200px'|'''Service Map'''
<div style='overflow-x:scroll;white-space:nowrap;max-width:75vw;'>
{{Layout/Map|TE1|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE2|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE3|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE4|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE5|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE6|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE7|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE8|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE9|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE11|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE12|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE13|c=TEL}} {{Layout/Map|TE14|#000|#fff|c=TEL|r=}}
|TEL Sliding||style='background:#CCC;'|
|Transfer linkway
|between {{NSL}} and {{TEL}} platforms

Line 45: Line 111:
|A||{{WAB}}||style="text-align:left;"|Tang Plaza, Scotts Road, Orchard Road
|1||{{WAB}}||style="text-align:left;"|Tang Plaza, Scotts Road, Orchard Road
|B|| ||style="text-align:left;"|Orchard Boulevard
|2||{{WAB}}||style="text-align:left;"|Orchard Road
|C||{{WAB}}||style="text-align:left;"|Orchard Road
|3||{{WAB}}||style="text-align:left;"|Wisma Atria
|D||{{WAB}}||style="text-align:left;"|Wisma Atria
|4||{{NWAB}}||style="text-align:left;"|ION Orchard (B1)
|E||{{WAB}}||style="text-align:left;"|ION Orchard
|5||{{WAB}}||style="text-align:left;"|ION Orchard (B2)
|6||{{NWAB}}||style="text-align:left;"|ION Orchard (B1)
|7||{{WAB}}||style="text-align:left;"|Orchard Boulevard / ION Orchard (L1)
|8||{{WAB}}||style="text-align:left;"|ION Orchard (B1)
|9||{{NWAB}}||style="text-align:left;"|ION Orchard (B1)
|10||{{WAB}}||style="text-align:left;"|Paterson Road, ION Orchard
|11||{{WAB}}||style="text-align:left;"|Orchard Boulevard, Wheelock Place
|12||{{WAB}}||style="text-align:left;"|Paterson Road
|13||{{WAB}}||style="text-align:left;"|Orchard Boulevard

Line 63: Line 145:
!width=70|Mon − Fri!!width=70|Sat!!width=70|Sun & P.H.!!width=70|Daily
!width=70|Mon − Fri!!width=70|Sat!!width=70|Sun & P.H.!!width=70|Daily
!colspan=5 class="NSL" style="text-align:center;"|[[File:MRTFFF.png|20px|link=|alt=]] North South Line
!colspan=5 style="{{CSS/NSL|xfc=|xbc=}}text-align:center;"|{{Icon|MRT|W|20px|d=inline}} {{NSL|style={{CSS/NSL|xfc=|xbc=}}}}
{{MRTTime|NSL|NS1|Jurong East|06:11|06:11|06:36|00:00}}
{{MRTTime|NSL|NS28|Marina South Pier|05:49|05:49|06:14|23:47}}
{{MRTTime|NSL|NS27|Marina Bay|L=23:50}}
!colspan=5 style="{{CSS/TEL|xfc=|xbc=}}text-align:center;"|{{Icon|MRT|W|20px|d=inline}} {{TEL|style={{CSS/TEL|xfc=|xbc=}}}}

:''More travel information: [[Alternative Travel Method/Orchard|Alternative Travel Method]]''
!width=240|Bus Stop!!width=30|Exit!!width=300|Bus Service
!width=240|Bus Stop!!width=30|Exit!!width=300|Bus Service
{{BusGuide|09047|Orchard Stn/Tang Plaza|A}}{{Bus|36|GAS}} {{Bus|77|TTS}} {{Bus|124|SBST}} {{Bus|128|SBST}} {{Bus|143|TTS}} {{Bus|162|SBST}} {{Bus|162M|SBST}} {{Bus|167|SMRT}} {{Bus|171|SMRT}} {{Bus|174|SBST}} {{Bus|174e|SBST}} {{Bus|190|SMRT}} {{Bus|518|GAS}} {{Bus|518A|GAS}} {{Bus|700|SMRT}} {{Bus|700A|SMRT}} {{Bus|971E|SMRT}} {{Bus|972|SMRT}} {{Bus|NR6|SMRT}} {{Bus|NR7|SMRT}}
{{BusGuide|{{BS09047}}|{{Exit/Cell|1}}}}{{Bus/36}} {{Bus/77}} {{Bus/124}} {{Bus/143}} {{Bus/167}} {{Bus/174}} {{Bus/174|a=e}} {{Bus/190}} {{Bus/518}} {{Bus/518|a=A}} {{Bus/972}} {{Bus/972|a=M}}
{{BusGuide|09048|Orchard Stn/Lucky Plaza|A}}{{Bus|1N|SBST}} {{Bus|2N|SBST}} {{Bus|3N|SBST}} {{Bus|4N|SBST}} {{Bus|5N|SBST}} {{Bus|6N|SBST}} {{Bus|7|SBST}} {{Bus|14|SBST}} {{Bus|14e|SBST}} {{Bus|16|SBST}} {{Bus|65|SBST}} {{Bus|106|TTS}} {{Bus|111|SBST}} {{Bus|123|SBST}} {{Bus|175|SBST}} {{Bus|502|SBST}} {{Bus|502A|SBST}} {{Bus|NR6|SMRT}} {{Bus|NR7|SMRT}}
{{BusGuide|{{BS09048}}|{{Exit/Cell|1}}}}{{Bus/7}} {{Bus/14}} {{Bus/14|a=e}} {{Bus/16}} {{Bus/16|a=M}} {{Bus/65}} {{Bus/106}} {{Bus/111}} {{Bus/123}} {{Bus/175}} {{Bus/502}} {{Bus/502|a=A}}
{{BusGuide|09022|Bef Orchard Stn Exit B|B}}{{Bus|7|SBST}} {{Bus|14|SBST}} {{Bus|16|SBST}} {{Bus|36|GAS}} {{Bus|65|SBST}} {{Bus|77|TTS}} {{Bus|106|TTS}} {{Bus|111|SBST}} {{Bus|123|SBST}} {{Bus|174|SBST}} {{Bus|174e|SBST}} {{Bus|175|SBST}} {{Bus|NR5|SMRT}} {{Bus|NR8|SMRT}}
{{BusGuide|{{BS09023}}|{{Exit/Cell|7}}}}{{Bus/14|a=e}} {{Bus/124}} {{Bus/143}} {{Bus/167}} {{Bus/190}} {{Bus/972}} {{Bus/972|a=M}}
{{BusGuide|09023|Opp Orchard Stn/ION|B}}{{Bus|14e|SBST}} {{Bus|124|SBST}} {{Bus|128|SBST}} {{Bus|143|TTS}} {{Bus|162|SBST}} {{Bus|162M|SBST}} {{Bus|167|SMRT}} {{Bus|171|SMRT}} {{Bus|190|SMRT}} {{Bus|700|SMRT}} {{Bus|700A|SMRT}} {{Bus|972|SMRT}} {{Bus|NR1|SMRT}} {{Bus|NR2|SMRT}} {{Bus|NR3|SMRT}}
{{BusGuide|{{BS13191}}|{{Exit/Cell|12}}}}{{Bus/5}} {{Bus/14}} {{Bus/16}} {{Bus/16|a=M}} {{Bus/54}} {{Bus/65}} {{Bus/175}}
{{BusGuide|{{BS13199}}|{{Exit/Cell|12}}}}{{Bus/5}} {{Bus/14}} {{Bus/16}} {{Bus/16|a=M}} {{Bus/54}} {{Bus/65}} {{Bus/175}}
{{BusGuide|{{BS09022}}|{{Exit/Cell|7}}{{Exit/Cell|13}}}}{{Bus/7}} {{Bus/14}} {{Bus/16}} {{Bus/16|a=M}} {{Bus/36}} {{Bus/65}} {{Bus/77}} {{Bus/106}} {{Bus/111}} {{Bus/123}} {{Bus/174}} {{Bus/174|a=e}} {{Bus/175}}

Line 82: Line 174:

{{North South Line}}
{{North–South Line}}
{{Thomson East Coast Line}}
{{Thomson–East Coast Line}}

Latest revision as of 12:23, 12 December 2024

SMRT Trains
  • From Sunday, 14 November 2024 to 31 October 2025, Train services on the Bukit Panjang LRT will end an hour earlier at 22:30 every Thursday to Sunday (except Public Holidays). This is to facilitate the upgrading of the BPLRT signalling system, as well as the testing of the new and retrofitted Light Rail Vehicles (LRVs) on the BPLRT network. Please refer here for more information.

SBS Transit
  • From Saturday, 15 March 2025, supplementary bus service 138M will be introduced to better serve residents travelling to the Ang Mo Kio Polyclinic. This service will operate at a frequency of 30 minutes from Ang Mo Kio Bus Interchange. Please refer here for more information.

Tower Transit
  • From Saturday, 15 March 2025, bus service 883M will operate on Saturdays from 7am to 1pm at 30-minute frequency to enhance connectivity to amenities along Yishun Avenue 7. Please refer here for more information.

SBS Transit
  • From Monday, 17 March 2025, short-trip service 71A will be introduced from Mayflower MRT Station to Bishan MRT Station. Please refer here for more information.

SMRT Buses
  • From Sunday, 23 March 2025, supplementary bus service 258M will ply an extended route looping at Boon Lay Place to provide direct connection to amenities such as Boon Lay Shopping Centre. Please refer here for more information.

SMRT Buses
  • From Monday, 24 March 2025, supplementary bus service 979X will be introduced to provide a faster connection for residents in Yew Tee Village to and from Bukit Panjang MRT / Bus Interchange. Bus service 979X will supplement bus service 979 and serve selected bus stops along its route. It will operate on weekdays (excluding Public Holidays) during the morning and evening peak periods. Please refer here for more information.

Tower Transit
  • From Monday, 24 March 2025, supplementary bus service 861M will be introduced to complement existing travel options to Wellington Primary School. It will operate from Canberra Way, terminating at Sembawang Bus Interchange. This service will operate two trips during the morning peak period on weekdays during school term only. Please refer here for more information.

SBS Transit
  • From Monday, 24 March 2025, short-trip service 112B will be introduced starting from Hougang Central Bus Interchange and terminating at Hougang Avenue 7. This service will only operate on weekdays (excluding public holidays) during the evening peak period. Please refer here for more information.


*Graphic From SGTrains/Wikipedia/LTA
Station Information
Address (NSL) 437 Orchard Road
Singapore 238878
Address (TEL) 301 Orchard Boulevard
Singapore 237974
Line(s) North–South Line
Thomson–East Coast Line
Structure Underground
Connections Bus Taxi
Abbreviation ORC

Orchard (NS22/TE14) is a Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) station on the North–South Line and the Thomson–East Coast Line[1].


Date Event
12 December 1987 Station officially opened
13 November 2022 Station interchanged with Thomson–East Coast Line

2011 train disruption[edit]

On 17 December 2011, a faulty train heading southbound was stucked between Orchard and Somerset stations at 6.50am. This caused a train disruption between Toa Payoh and Marina Bay stations. Train service resumed at 1pm later in the day.[2] Later investigation found out that the disruption was caused by damaged current collector device (CCD) shoes on train which draws powers from the third rail that is link to the previous disruption 2 days earlier. As a result of the damaged CCD shoes, a portion of southbound track third rail between Newton and Orchard stations sagged.[3]


  • CE2-Flowers in Blossom.png
    North–South Line: Flowers in Blossom by Tay Chee Toh
    The mobile of delicate sculptures resembling flowers was originally hung here before it was removed due to redevelopment of the area. It was then re-commissioned at Marina Bay station.[4]


L1 Street Level ION Orchard, Wisma Atria
B1 Orchard Xchange
B2 NSL Concourse Faregates, Ticketing Machines, Passenger Service Centre, Transitlink Ticket Office
TEL Concourse Faregates, Ticketing Machines, Passenger Service Centre
APlatform NS1Jurong East Service Map
Platform A/B
BPlatform NS28Marina South Pier Service Map
CPlatform TE29Bayshore Service Map
Platform C/D
DPlatform TE1Woodlands North Service Map
TEL Sliding
B4 Transfer linkway between North–South Line and Thomson–East Coast Line platforms


Exit Disabled-Access Location/Nearby
1 Handicapped/disabled access Tang Plaza, Scotts Road, Orchard Road
2 Handicapped/disabled access Orchard Road
3 Handicapped/disabled access Wisma Atria
4 No Handicapped/disabled access ION Orchard (B1)
5 Handicapped/disabled access ION Orchard (B2)
6 No Handicapped/disabled access ION Orchard (B1)
7 Handicapped/disabled access Orchard Boulevard / ION Orchard (L1)
8 Handicapped/disabled access ION Orchard (B1)
9 No Handicapped/disabled access ION Orchard (B1)
10 Handicapped/disabled access Paterson Road, ION Orchard
11 Handicapped/disabled access Orchard Boulevard, Wheelock Place
12 Handicapped/disabled access Paterson Road
13 Handicapped/disabled access Orchard Boulevard

Transport Services[edit]

First/Last Train Timing[edit]

Destination First Train Last Train
Mon − Fri Sat Sun & P.H. Daily
icon North–South Line
NS1Jurong East 06:11 06:11 06:36 00:02
NS7Kranji 00:17
NS28Marina South Pier 05:48 05:48 06:13 23:46
icon Thomson–East Coast Line
TE1Woodlands North 05:52 05:52 06:12 00:13
TE9Caldecott 00:25
TE29Bayshore 05:55 05:55 06:15 00:03
TE27Marine Terrace 00:08
TE22Gardens by the Bay 00:14
TE17Outram Park 00:20


More travel information: Alternative Travel Method
Bus Stop Exit Bus Service
Orchard Stn/Tang Plaza
Orchard Rd
ION Orchard
Lucky Plaza
Shaw Centre
Tang Plaza
Wheelock Place
Wisma Astra
36 77 124 143 167 174 174e 190 518 518A 972 972M
Orchard Stn/Lucky Plaza
Orchard Rd
ION Orchard
Lucky Plaza
Ngee Ann City
Tang Plaza
Wisma Astra
7 14 14e 16 16M 65 106 111 123 175 502 502A
Opp Orchard Stn/ION
Orchard Turn
ION Orchard
Wheelock Place
14e 124 143 167 190 972 972M
Opp Orchard Stn Exit 12
Paterson Rd
5 14 16 16M 54 65 175
Aft Orchard Stn Exit 12
Paterson Rd
5 14 16 16M 54 65 175
Orchard Stn Exit 13
Orchard Blvd
ION Orchard
7 14 16 16M 36 65 77 106 111 123 174 174e 175


icon North–South Line [ VTE ]
Stations Jurong EastBukit BatokBukit GombakBricklandChoa Chu KangYew TeeKranjiMarsilingWoodlandsAdmiraltySembawangCanberraYishunKhatibYio Chu KangAng Mo KioBishanBraddellToa PayohNovenaNewtonOrchardSomersetDhoby GhautCity HallRaffles PlaceMarina BayMarina South Pier
Rolling Stock 151151A151B151CR151


Depots BishanUlu Pandan
Others Bridging Service
icon Thomson–East Coast Line [ VTE ]
Stations Woodlands NorthWoodlandsWoodlands SouthSpringleafLentorMayflowerBright HillUpper ThomsonCaldecottMount PleasantStevensNapierOrchard BoulevardOrchardGreat WorldHavelockOutram ParkMaxwellShenton WayMarina BayMarina SouthGardens by the BayFounders' MemorialTanjong RhuKatong ParkTanjong KatongMarine ParadeMarine TerraceSiglapBayshoreBedok SouthSungei Bedok
Rolling Stock T251
Depots MandaiEast Coast
Others Bridging Service