Bus Service 34

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SMRT Trains
  • From Sunday, 14 November 2024 to 31 October 2025, Train services on the Bukit Panjang LRT will end an hour earlier at 22:30 every Thursday to Sunday (except Public Holidays). This is to facilitate the upgrading of the BPLRT signalling system, as well as the testing of the new and retrofitted Light Rail Vehicles (LRVs) on the BPLRT network. Please refer here for more information.

SBS Transit
  • From Sunday, 23 February 2025, Bus Services 4 & 5 will serve new bus stops along Flora Road. Please refer here for more information.

Land Transport AuthoritySBS Transit
  • From Friday, 28 February 2025, 3pm, Hume station on the Downtown Line will open. Please refer here for more information.

Service 34
SBS6431B 34.jpg
Route Information
Route Punggol Interchange ↺ Changi Airport (Loop)
Route Length 40.7 km
Travelling Time 120 mins (2 h)
Operator Go-Ahead
(Loyang Bus Package)

Go-Ahead Bus Service 34 is an inter-town bus service that connects the residential estates of Punggol and Tampines to Changi Airport. As the only route spanning Tampines East and West (excluding feeder services) and few duplicating routes, this service is also important route for travelling within the estate. From Tampines Central, Service 27 serves as a much faster alternative to Changi Airport by skipping Tampines East.

It has an express sector between Punggol Road and Tampines Ave 10, and between Tampines Ave 7 and Changi Airport along the Tampines Expressway (TPE).

Service Information[edit]

Bus Duty & Fleet[edit]

Fleet Information[edit]

Service 34/34A/34B
Depot Fleet Size Fleet
34 34A 34B
Loyang Depot (LYDEP) TBC TBC 2 Single Deckers
Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro
  • 1 {Service 119 SD will perform one (1) crossover trip on Service 34 during Weekdays PM Peak.
  • This service practises jumpbus.

Route Information[edit]


Period AM Peak
(First Bus - 08:30)
AM Off Peak
(08:31 - 16:59)
PM Peak
(17:00 - 19:00)
PM Off Peak
(19:01 - Last Bus)
Loop Service 04 - 09 minutes 05 - 14 minutes 09 - 13 minutes 12 - 14 minutes

Special Departures[edit]

  • icon75359
    IKEA Tampines/Aft TPE
    Tampines Ave 10
    • Weekdays: 05:25 & 05:34
  • icon76059
    Opp Our Tampines Hub
    Tampines Ave 5
    • Saturdays: 05:38
  • icon95109
    Changi Airport Ter 3
    PTB3 Basement
    • Weekdays: 05:50, 21:32, 22:08 & 22:56
    • Saturdays: 05:50, 19:14, 20:56, 21:34, 22:09 & 22:44
    • Sundays & Public Holidays: 06:10, 19:15, 21:00, 21:52, 22:19, 22:47 & 23:15
  • icon76051
    Our Tampines Hub
    Tampines Ave 5
    • Weekdays: 15:31, 15:41, 16:11, 16:39, 17:05, 17:31, 17:56, 18:29, 18:55 & 19:21

Service 34A[edit]

SBS6407Y on Short-Trip Service 34A
  • icon65009
    Opp Our Tampines Hub
    Tampines Ave 5
    • Weekdays (except Public Holidays): 05:46, 06:30, 06:48, 07:25, 07:50, 08:27 & 08:56

Service 34B[edit]

SBS6475A on Short-Trip Service 34B
  • icon75359
    IKEA Tampines/Aft TPE
    Tampines Ave 10
    Tampines Wafer Fab Pk
    Tampines Ave 10
    • Weekdays (except Public Holidays): 07:38 & 18:23

Loop Service[edit]

[Show/Hide Full Route Details]

Bus Stops Nearby Ammenities Weekdays Saturdays Suns / PHs
First bus Last bus First bus Last bus First bus Last bus
Punggol Temp Int(Berth B3)
Punggol Pl
34A NE17PTCPunggol
Waterway Point
05:30 23:45 05:30 23:45 05:30 23:45
Blk 303D
Punggol Ctrl
34A 05:34 23:48 05:33 23:48 05:31 23:46
Opp Blk 296
Punggol Rd
34A 05:35 23:49 05:34 23:49 05:32 23:47
Blk 102C
Punggol Rd
34A 05:36 23:50 05:35 23:50 05:33 23:48
Aft Punggol Rd(Berth 1a)
34A 05:37 23:51 05:36 23:51 05:34 23:49
IKEA Tampines/Aft TPE
Tampines Ave 10
34A 34B 05:25 00:00 05:42 23:56 05:42 23:58
Bef Tampines Lk
Tampines Ave 10
34A 34B 05:26 00:01 05:43 23:57 05:43 23:59
Aft Tampines Lk
Tampines Ave 10
34A 34B 05:27 00:02 05:44 23:58 05:44 00:00
Bef Tampines Ave 9
Tampines Ave 10
34A 34B 05:28 00:03 05:45 23:59 05:45 00:01
Bef Tampines Ave 5
Tampines Ave 10
34A 34B 05:29 00:04 05:46 23:59 05:46 00:02
Tampines Ave 5
34A 34B 05:30 00:06 05:47 00:00 05:47 00:03
Blk 730
Tampines Ave 5
34A 34B 05:31 00:07 05:48 00:01 05:49 00:05
Bet Blks 701/702
Tampines Ave 5
34A 34B 05:32 00:08 05:49 00:02 05:50 00:07
Opp Darul Ghufran Mque
Tampines Ave 5
34A 34B 05:34 00:10 05:50 00:03 05:51 00:08
Opp Our Tampines Hub
Tampines Ave 5
34A 34B 05:36 00:11 05:38 00:05 05:53 00:10
Blk 147
Tampines Ave 5
34B 05:37 00:12 05:39 00:06 05:55 00:11
Blk 141
Tampines Ave 2
34B 05:38 00:13 05:41 00:07 05:57 00:12
Opp The Holy Trinity Ch
Tampines Ave 2
34B 05:40 00:15 05:43 00:08 05:59 00:13
Blk 206
Tampines Ave 2
34B 05:42 00:17 05:45 00:10 06:02 00:14
Tampines East CC
Tampines Ave 2
34B 05:43 00:18 05:45 00:11 06:03 00:14
Tampines East Stn Exit B
Tampines Ave 2
34B DT33Tampines East 05:44 00:19 05:46 00:12 06:04 00:15
Opp Blk 390
Tampines Ave 7
34B 05:45 00:20 05:47 00:13 06:06 00:16
Blk 497D
Tampines Ave 7
34B 05:47 00:22 05:48 00:15 06:08 00:17
Airport Police Stn
Airport Blvd
34B 05:55 00:28 05:55 00:21 06:16 00:26
Aft Aircraft Flyover
Airport Blvd
34B 05:56 00:29 05:57 00:23 06:18 00:29
Changi Airport Ter 3(Berth 3)
PTB3 Basement
34B CG2Changi Airport
Changi Airport Terminal 3
Jewel Changi
05:50 00:34 05:50 00:25 06:10 00:32
Changi Airport Ter 1(Berth 3)
PTB1 Basement
34B Changi Airport Terminal 1
Jewel Changi
05:54 00:39 05:55 00:29 06:41 00:36
Changi Airport Ter 2(Berth 5)
PTB2 Basement
34B CG2Changi Airport
Changi Airport Terminal 2
Jewel Changi
06:02 00:43 06:00 00:33 06:18 00:40
Aft Changi Airport Ter 2
Airport Blvd
34B 06:04 00:45 06:02 00:35 06:20 00:42
Changi Airport Ter 4(Berth 2)
T4 Cres
34B Changi Airport Terminal 4
Changi Jurassic Mile
06:10 00:51 06:08 00:41 06:26 00:48
Near SATS Flight Kitchen
Airport Blvd
34B 06:15 00:55 06:12 00:47 06:30 00:51
Blk 370
Tampines Ave 7
34B 06:24 01:02 06:22 00:53 06:37 00:58
Blk 390
Tampines Ave 7
34B 06:25 01:03 06:23 00:54 06:38 00:59
Tampines East Stn Exit C
Tampines Ave 2
34B DT33Tampines East 06:26 01:04 06:24 00:55 06:39 01:00
Blk 302
Tampines Ave 2
34B 06:28 01:05 06:25 00:56 06:40 01:01
Blk 285
Tampines Ave 2
34B 06:30 01:06 06:26 00:57 06:41 01:02
The Holy Trinity Ch
Tampines Ave 2
34B 06:32 01:07 06:27 00:58 06:42 01:03
Blk 101
Tampines Ave 2
34B 06:34 01:08 06:29 00:59 06:43 01:05
Blk 938
Tampines Ave 5
34B 06:36 01:10 06:31 01:01 06:45 01:07
Our Tampines Hub
Tampines Ave 5
34B 06:38 01:12 06:33 01:03 06:47 01:09
Darul Ghufran Mque
Tampines Ave 5
34B 06:39 01:13 06:35 01:04 06:48 01:10
Blk 863
Tampines Ave 5
34B 06:41 01:14 06:37 01:05 06:49 01:12
Blk 867A
Tampines Ave 5
34B 06:43 01:16 06:39 01:07 06:51 01:14
Blk 871C
Tampines Ave 5
34B 06:44 01:17 06:40 01:08 06:52 01:15
Aft Tampines Ave 5
Tampines Ave 10
34B 06:46 01:18 06:41 01:09 06:53 01:16
Aft Tampines Ave 9
Tampines Ave 10
34B 06:48 01:19 06:42 01:10 06:54 01:17
Bef Tampines Lk
Tampines Ave 10
34B 06:49 01:20 06:43 01:11 06:55 01:18
Bef Tampines Ind Ave 5
Tampines Ave 10
34B 06:51 01:21 06:44 01:12 06:56 01:19
Tampines Wafer Fab Pk
Tampines Ave 10
34B 06:53 01:22 06:46 01:13 06:57 01:20
Bef Punggol Rd(Berth 1a)
07:00 01:28 06:54 01:18 07:04 01:27
Blk 203A
Punggol Rd
07:03 01:29 06:55 01:19 07:05 01:28
Opp Blk 199C
Punggol Rd
07:04 01:31 06:56 01:20 07:06 01:29
Blk 298
Punggol Ctrl
07:06 01:32 06:57 01:21 07:07 01:30
Punggol Temp Int(Alighting)
Punggol Pl
Waterway Point
07:09 01:35 06:59 01:24 07:07 01:30

Historical Information[edit]

Operator Route Year Date Service changes
SBS Transit Punggol ↔ Changi Airport 2005 31 July Introduced between Punggol Temp Int and Changi Airport, operating between 0545 hrs and 2345 hrs daily.
2007 TBC First bus from Punggol Temp Int brought forward to 0530 hrs on weekdays.
11 November Amended to serve Changi Airport PTB 3.
2008 TBC First bus from Punggol Temp Int brought forward to 0530 hrs on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.
2009 26 October Designated wheelchair-accessible bus service (WAB). WAB
34Punggol ↔ Changi Airport
34APunggol → Tampines Ave 5
2011 28 March
34AIntroduced from Punggol Temp Int to Tampines Ave 5 (Opp Tampines Stadium) during morning peak hours on weekdays. Wheelchair-accessible bus service (WAB) at launch. WAB
34Punggol ↺ Changi Airport
34APunggol → Tampines Ave 5
2012 9 January
34Converted to loop service between Punggol Temp Int and Changi Airport PTB 2.
2014 24 August Serves new pair of bus stops before and after Punggol Rd along TPE.
2016 4 September Operations transferred to Go-Ahead Singapore.
23 October Serves new pair of bus stops outside UWCSEA and outside Blk 871C along Tampines Ave 5.
2017 21 October Serves new pair of bus stops outside Tampines East Stn along Tampines Ave 2.
22 October Amended to serve Changi Airport PTB 4.
34Punggol ↺ Changi Airport
34APunggol → Tampines Ave 5
34BTampines Ave 10 ↺ Changi Airport
2019 25 March
34BIntroduced between Tampines Ave 10 and Changi Airport PTB 2 (Loop) during peak hours on weekdays. Wheelchair-accessible bus service (WAB) at launch. WAB

External Links[edit]

icon Loyang Bus Package [ VTE ]
Services 2361212e151734364343e43M6268828384G84W85 • 118 • 119 • 136 • 403 • 518 • 518A
City Direct Services 661666673678
Pasir Ris Feeders 354358359
Punggol Feeders 381382G382W384386
Bus Fleet Loyang Depot (LYDEP)
Single Decker MAN NL323F (Euro V, Batch 2Euro V, Batch 3Euro VI) • Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro (Batch 2Batch 3) • Yutong ZK6128BEVG
Double Decker MAN ND323F (3 DoorEuro V, Batch 3Euro VI, Batch 1) • Volvo B9TL (WEG2, Batch 2WEG2, Batch 3WEG2, Batch 4) • Yutong ZK6125BEVGS
Tender Awarded